Chapter 5 - Revealing to the N/A Army

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Y/N = Your Name

L/N = your Last Name

S/N = Sister's Name

B/F/N = Best Friend's Name (boy)

N/A = Name of your Army

N/F = Name of your Followers

S/A = Symbol of your Army

Y/B = Your Birthday

M/N = your Mother's Name

H/C = your Hair Color

E/C = your Eye Color

F/C = your Favorite Color (you can have multiple if you'd like, lol)

The list will be updated as need be throughout the series.



I let out a deep breath, and a sound like a microphone feedback whine sounded.  Many of the N/F winced and covered their ears.

"Oops.  Well, that' way to begin.  Not the way I'd prefer."  I chuckled, letting my anxiety go as best I could.

Some of the N/F chuckled, too.

"Well...I have to say, there are a lot more of you than when I left.  If...I can recall correctly, there were about 500 of y'all.  Now there's...what did you say, B/F/N?  7,000 or so?"  I asked, looking back to him.

He had taken a few steps back to give me some space.  He nodded.

"Ok, 7,000.  That's a lot!  Um...well, I guess for the 6,500 or so that don't know me, I'm Y/N L/N, the creator of the N/A army.  This is my little sister, S/N.  I disappeared about 4 years ago on a lone scouting mission because...."

My vision flashed and I saw myself in the forest again.

THAT forest.

I winced and my vision returned to the crowd of N/F.  S/N was gripping my hand tightly.

I think she's keeping me anchored here.  Otherwise, I might accidentally go into a full-on flashback.

On a platform.

In front of thousands of people.

Uh, no thanks.

Many of the N/F were looking at me with concern.

"S-Sorry, just...had a moment there.  I disappeared because I was caught by an unusually large group of mobs.  They didn't kill me for reasons I'll explain later, but...they did take me ba...they took me to F...Herobrine."

I've gotta watch what I say or I'll freak out the N/F.

"He did not kill me either.  Instead, he...experimented...on me."

I felt a light flash of pain on my right arm just below the shoulder blade.

The place I got stuck with needles more than once.

"He...attempted to fuse me with multiple types of mobs, to make me...into a weird person with multiple abilities.  Let's just say...that only worked with one of the mobs he did ability-wise.... did leave...physical marks, as well.  I'm going to say this now, I look terrible, so if you don't want your children to see this, it's ok.  And...if you don't like me the way I am, then you can leave.  We all accept one another here, quirks and all.  So if you can't accept me, leave."

I was silent for a moment, looking over the crowd.

Nobody turned away.

Nobody left.

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