Chapter 9 - Protectors Of Y/N

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Y/N = Your Name

L/N = your Last Name

S/N = Sister's Name

B/F/N = Best Friend's Name (boy)

N/A = Name of your Army

N/F = Name of your Followers

S/A = Symbol of your Army

Y/B = Your Birthday

M/N = your Mother's Name

H/C = your Hair Color

E/C = your Eye Color

F/C = your Favorite Color (you can have multiple if you'd like, lol)

The list will be updated as need be throughout the series.



I stared at Candid in shock.  "No...."

S/N looked terrified.  "You can't be serious!"

Candid sighed.  "I wish I wasn't....  The only one who won't become a mindless killing machine here is B/F/N.  He doesn't bear the S/A."

"Wait, why doesn't he?"  Asked Gem.

"Because, since I, more or less, deemed him co-leader, I didn't give him the symbol.  Leaders don't bear the symbols of their armies, so...I guess co-leader was just another type of leader to me."  I explained.

"So...we have 5 days to do all we can to protect both the N/A army...and the rest of Minecraftia...."  Garrett muttered.

I ran a hand through my hair.  "This is exactly why we need to get to the Budder Kingdom!  We have to warn them!"

"Y/N, there's only 7,000 of us....  At worst, we'll kill a few thousand of their people and they'll wipe us completely out...."  Bren sighed.

I held a hand up.  "Don't think like that.  That is yet another reason we should warn the kingdom.  So they won't kill you all."

"We could always lock ourselves up...?"  Garrett suggested questioningly.

"Then I would free you, or you'd free yourselves somehow.  Either way, not everyone would cooperate with that...."  I countered.  "Look, there is no other way.  We have to get their help."

Everyone glanced at everyone else.  Candid sighed.  "Alright, but we're taking a lot of people to protect you.  I don't want to risk having you injured if they deem you dangerous.  I'll walk out there with you along with one other person, but everyone else can be hiding among the trees.  That way, they can intervene if necessary."

I shrugged.  "Do whatever.  My concern is to get to Sky and the rest of Team Crafted.  We need to warn them.  Minecraftia is in danger and I have to get to them whatever the cost."

Candid stood.  "Alright.  I'll go gather some people.  Is there anyone in particular that you wish to come?"

I nodded.  "Gem and Bren.  Garrett can come if he'd like to."

Garrett smiled lightly.  "I'd love to, but I am the head of the sorcerers here.  I have to make sure they're properly trained."

I smiled back.  "That's ok.  You do whatever you need to do.  If it's ok with you all, I'd like to spend a little time with my sister before we head out."

They all stood up.  "Alright.  Gem, Bren, you two get geared up for the journey.  I'll go and get a few more people."  Candid ordered.

I smiled slightly, watching as they all left, leaving me with S/N.

Book 1:  The Day The Budder King Said Gold:  X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now