Chapter 33: Baby's coming

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Chaeyoung POV

I was reluctant hanging out with my friends today, I preferred to have stayed with Mina who's in days due and take care of her but she insisted she'll be fine and will call right away if she's not feeling well persuading me to bond with my friends especially since they haven't seen me in a long time and they miss me.

This Tim we are touring around Shinkaichi, this area is distinctively known for its rows of old shopping arcades and stores.

Dahyun and Jeongyeon eagerly visits any stalls trying out foods and testing the games while Tzuyu, Nayeon and Jihyo we're trying out clothes busy window shopping for any souvenirs.

I wasn't I know it's kill Joy not to join their fun but my mind is flooded with Mina, what if she needs me, what if she's in pain right now, what if the baby decides to come out right now and I'm not there. My thoughts was cut off when I bumped into someone and accidentally spill their tea on me.

"I'm sorry." The stranger bows apologetically, I shrug and told him it's fine, I don't care about my self, it's doesn't change the fact that I'm still worried for the person/person's waiting for me at home.

But once I hear my phone ring and Mina's voice, after listening to her simple hello I was ecstatic and didn't give two shits about what would happened on my way or my surroundings.

"My water just broke, now I'm having contractions we're out of ice cream only puddings left and I'm tired of those and I think I'm going to cry and mad because they were the strawberry ones and you know those are my favorite, Chaeyoung. Buy some on your way." Mina voice out over the phone with a hint of ragged one. I laugh at her calm message but then I realize she was in labor asking for ice cream?!

"I'm coming!" I shouted.

"Chaeyoung wait its.." Without even letting Mina finish her words I end the call and run to my friends telling them Mina needs me and I'll head back out first.

I knew I should have stayed home. I fucking knew it.

But no Mina had to demand spend my time with my friends now she might give birth in the penthouse, my parents are just below our floor but I'm sure Mina is too shy to ask for help. I should call them but I'm preoccupied with worry and seem to have discarded the thought and forgotten bought the ice cream when I started driving.

Heck I even manage to only piss two people off on my mad drive just to reach her.

I only slip once on the entry way of the hotel.

"Are you okay ma'am?" The security ask me concern but I ignore and sprint to the elevator which seems to be taking long so I had to use my privilege and gain access to the private one, I couldn't run the stairs it takes longer as I'm we are situated on the 30th floor. I press the code and impatiently tapping my feet waiting for it to go up.

As the elevator ding I rush to our door and swipe my key card not bothering to shut it and look for Mina

"Love you okay. Are you okay? Breathing like they taught us?" I scream as I march in.

"Mhm" Mina hums smiling at me when I saw her sloped in the couch, hand resting over her bump.

"Contractions aren't too bad yet" her face puckers in pain, ironically right after her sentence.

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