Chapter 10: Birthday

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Being at leisure larking with my daschund dog inside my bedchamber, the only circumstance in which I enjoy my stay in the mansion is the seconds I spend with Ray and strolling around the gardens admiring the verdant well kept floras.

Ray has always been my only companion in this lonely, gloomy manor the workers are just too formal and stiff they never really converse in a friendly acquainted manner it is difficult trying to interact with them through common topics.

Ray hops off my lap as the door thumps, three easy going, cautious knocks.

"Who is it?"

"I'm sorry for the intrusion madame but your father summons you "

"I understand I'll be there in a minute."

I sighed and look at Ray casually tiptoing on  his donut shape bed before curling in to sleep.

And ambled to my father's private home office knocking slightly notifying my presence as I set foot.

He was preoccupied with a pile of documents undertaking his usual routine. From the day forward mom died he became more detach and distant completely emerging himself in the Myoui's business, the import and export of various products.

"You called for me." I asked in curtsy bow

"Hmm, Yes I just want to inform you to be on your best behavior tomorrow during  your birthday party I'm certain entrepreneurs and business mens will attending and also I need you to entertain them. I'm already handed out invitations." father responds eyes still focused on the papers he didn't bat a glance nor atleast greet me.

This is what I hate, after years of trying to understand and giving him space to cope with mom's death and grandma's thinking it will ease his grief, I was wrong it didn't.

He changed for the worst. Our daughter and father and relationship is nowhere to be found the central part of our ties is raptured, he no longer see me as his child but a tool for his interest regarding his profession, committed to his job and love it more that I ever was that's what I felt.

It's painful I already lost Chaeyoung, mom and on the steps I also lost him however I'm still hopeful.

"Will you attend?"

"Hmm,Yes." dad muttered

I faintly smiled exiting his room no further words spoken like we've forgotten how to have a normal conversation, it's no surprise the way we treat each other. He will only talk with me when he needs something of importance.

Idling on my bed the alarm clock tolls, prompting that I have a shift this afternoon.

I change my attire, head to the garage and driving off in a maroon Mercedes Benz convertible car.

"Good afternoon, advance happy birthday Mitang " Sana greets leaning by the café's entry way.

"Good afternoon to you too and thank you." I exchange pleasantries

"Better brew that Royal milk tea now, that cute blonde has been waiting for you sitting there for minutes not making orders telling me she only wants your blend. I was dearly offended." Sana dramatically palms her chest.

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