Chapter 32: Baby names

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"I have the most important question anyone would ever ask you in your whole life." Mina ask out of the blue while they sat there watching a adventure comedic disney animation.

"And what might that be?" Chaeyoung ask with a smile brushing her soles at Rays fur who's sleeping on the floor

"What are we going to name our baby girl?"

"Don't you think it's too soon to be worrying about that?" Chaeyoung ask picking up a chip.

"No! Chaeyoung I'm due 2 weeks due and within those weeks the baby might decide to come out earlier, I might actually pop her out! look at me I'm so round I resemble a ticking bomb ready to explode." Mina exclaims crawling to rest her head on Chaeyoung's chest.

"Well yeah I can see that maybe you should lay off the cookies and pudding's." Chaeyoung teases strokes her hair.

Mina gasp, her head shot back and flash out the sofa, standing up to touch her stomach that has grown, she feels insulted misinterpreting Chaeyoung's words and with ramp up secretion of hormones she was extra sensitive.

"You are such an ass." Mina says angrily grabbing Chaeyoung's bowl of chips and throws it on her face she dodges cleanly

"What?, It's just a joke I didn't mean it." Chaeyoung mumbles silently dumbfounded standing up and picks up the scattered food in which Ray was eating some as Mina angrily stomps to the kitchen

When Chaeyoung walks in the kitchen Mina was crying at the table with a bowl of pudding handmade by Chaeyoung before and a cup of strawberry juice. Before Chaeyoung could say anything Mina speaks.

"The baby and I were hungry for pudding and strawberry juice, so if your going to judge me, leave." She sniffs picking the cup up and take a big swing finishing it all in one gulp.

"Why would I do that? come on show me a smile." Chaeyoung grins

Mina shakes her head, huffing as she avoids eye contact and Chaeyoung sighs remembering the time Mina slaps her teasing that time for eating a whole dang chicken.

"Show me a smile Mina." She whispers resting her head on the side of Mina's head.

"Just one smile." She convince pouting her mouth adorably, rubbing Mina's arm up and down.

Mina looks at her and her lips slowly curve up to smile, she wipes her tears
"Why can't I stay mad at you?" She ask truly wondering why.

"Because you love me." Chaeyoung simply answers winking her eyes, Mina rolls her eyes and scoffs taking a spoon full of pudding in her mouth

"And you have a pure heart, you're kind, compassionate and I will repeat it again you're beautiful" Chaeyoung held Mina's halting her from eating. They stare at each other before Chaeyoung guides both of her hands to Mina's crimson cheeks caressing it, as she places a soft kiss her lips.

"How can you find me beautiful?" Mina ask as soon as their lips parts. "I'm fat, and ugly."

"You are beautiful. You are always beautiful." Chaeyoung tenderly envelops Mina's waist and kept repeating her words.

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