Chapter 17: Cause of the accident 2

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3rd Person Pov

Mina sits uncomfortably on the leather chair, She was summon by her father to attend an important meeting across her is a tall, handsome young man of the same age.

Though attractive Mina wasn't keen on how the man tour his eyes to her body up and down perversely while their fathers discuss business.

"Mina this is Mr. Takahashi Fujiwara and his Son Fushi." Her dad introduce and Mina stands up bowing politely conveying nice meet you gesture, elegantly sitting back

"She's discipline and beautiful, I like her she'll be good wife" Fujiwara compliments and Akira smiled pleasingly.

Mina froze by the statement shocked and angry by the revelation instead of bursting in disappointed screams she force a smile, flaring-up a fit of rage at the moment is not a good scene.

"I'm sorry wife? What do you mean sir?" She asked courteously

"Sorry I forgot to tell you but today's meeting was for you to meet your fiancee and future husband." Her father answered on behalf of Fujiwara.

Mina hides her bitterness and resentment under her clench jaw, clutching her skirt her father made an agreement without her decision or consent.

"Nice to meet you Mina. Don't worry you don't know me yet but I'm a high quality husband. I'll be a good husband " Fushi narcissistically shot her a smirk, licking his lip flirtatiously  and wink as if this was all a game.

"Nice to meet you too I hope we get along." Mina responds trying not to appear rude around the men bit deep inside she wants to slap her father and this irritating philanderer.

Once the father and son finally withdraw from her father's office. Mina's composure broke, shedding a tear.

"Why?" She croaked glaring at her plastic father who returns signing propositions.

"Why do mean why?" He raises a brow coldly

"Why would you do something like this arranging me to marry a stranger or someone I don't love!" Her voice rise crisply

"Don't shout at me you'll learn to love him besides your not in a relationship right now it's for the securement of your future."

"My future! hahhaah." Mina scoffs followed by a sarcastic laugh.

"No this ain't about my future but for you and the company isn't it?" She adds

"Yes it is to ensure our partnership. I don't understand what you're trying to fight for it's just a marriage." Her father fires back and Mina sniffs staring at her father tirelessly a malice starting to advent towards him.

"Loathe!" She's starting to detest him, the man he once love and respect doesn't even know what his doing wrong or look pass through her pained feelings.

"I'm your daughter but your more committed to expanding a already well known business that creates millions rather than my well being. Tell do love wealth more than your own flesh and blood!" She mumbled sorrowfully hoping that her words will reach her stony hearted father.

UNEXPECTED AND BLESSED ACCIDENT G!PWhere stories live. Discover now