movie night

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Alexa's Pov
10 minutes later
I don't know how long I've been sitting by the counter till my phone rings and knocks me out of my daze. I look over at my phone and see Jordan is calling me.

"Hi." I sigh as I pick up the phone, not meaning to sound like a downer.

"I'm outside."

"Okay, you can just walk in." I speak into the phone before hanging up.

I quickly walk to the front door and I hide behind the door when Jordan opens it.

"Lexi, I'm here!" he calls as he places the bags of foods on the table.

He pauses and places a big gift bag on the floor before calling again.

"Lexi?" he calls again.

"Alexa! Where are you?" he calls again as he turns around and goes to close the door.

"It's Jord-" he cuts himself off with a high pitched scream as I jump out from behind the door.

"Gotcha!" I laugh at his face, seeing his shocked face turn to an annoyed one.

"You're a pain in the ass, Lexi. God, I missed you." he sighs before pulling me into a tight hug.

As I go to pull away from the hug a few moments later, Jordan tightens his grip.

"Uhh, J?"

"I'm sorry about Asher, I shouldn't have planned this trip." he begins apologising, causing me to sigh.

"I don't really want to talk about the whole Asher thing right now, the smell of the food is more important right now." I falsely joke, trying to move off of the subject.

Jordan pulls always and smiles at me before picking up the bag of food off of the side before looking at me again.

"Lead the way, my lady." he gestures his arm out and I find myself smiling at his childish gesture as I make my way into the kitchen and living room, Jordan following behind me.

"So what movie did you bring?" I ask as I plop myself down on the sofa, Jordan placing one of the bags on the side as he starts searching through the other one, pulling out a dvd.

"I got it in Malibu, Special Edition." he says proudly, holding up a copy of Matrix.

I let out a mocking laugh as I turn on the tv, looking at Jordan with a teasing look on my face.

"I've got Matrix on Netflix." I state, flicking through to show him.

"Well is it Special Edition?" he asks and I shake my head at him.

"Well I rest my case." he says, walking over to the Xbox and putting the disc inside of it as he turns it on.

"Isn't your Mom the one who's supposed to be the lawyer?" I question his last choice of words as he sits down besides me.

"Shut up." he shoves me lightly before ditching the movie on, leaving me to contain my laughter at his annoyance.

An hour later
"You've got to be kidding me? We are watching Matrix, how can you be sad at Matrix?" Jordan groans out as he pauses the movie.

"It's so obvious they like each other and now they can't be together because something and someone is always in the way." I sigh out, hating this part of the storyline.

I look over at Jordan and seeing him eyeing me up curiously, causing me to pause mid sentence.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I question.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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