problems with shawn

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Alexa's Pov
"Shawn." I say.

I quickly answered and pressed my phone to my ear whilst Asher watched me.

Lexi thank god you answered are you okay.
I'm fine I'm with Asher.
Oh thank god.
Why what's wrong.
Tyrone payed a visit to my apartment today.
Shit is Maya okay.
She is but she won't stop crying and I need your help with cleaning up. Please can you come help me.
Okay I'll see if I can get Asher to give me a lift there.'

I end the call and look back at Asher with tears in my eyes.

"What's wrong with Shawn?" he asks.

"Tyrone payed him a visit today. We need to go see Shawn right now." I say.

"A visit that's all?" he asks confused.

"Asher a visit from Tyrone is never just a 'visit'" I say.

"Okay I'll drive let's go" he says and grabs his keys and phone and pulls me out of the house and we get into his car and go to Shawn's house.

When we get there I get out of the car and run up the flights of stairs with Asher right behind me. I knock on Shawn's door and wait a minute till he opens it. He lets me and Asher inside and that's when I take a proper look at him. His face has blood dripping down from the scratches on his face and bruises on his face.

"Shit" Asher and I say at the same time.

"Yeah I know look could one of you look after Maya whilst I clean up please?" he asks.

"Maya?" Asher questions.

"His daughter." I say.

Asher's Pov

"His daughter." Alexa says.

That's when I remember that Shawn got another girl pregnant and ended up having to look after her alone as the mum took off. As if she was summoned she toddles into the living room and when she sees Alexa she smiles and toddles quicker and Alexa scoops her up i. her arms and kissed her face. I stare at Alexa and she looks so happy with Maya eventhough that's not even her daughter.

"Mommy what are you doing here?" she asks.

"I came to see your Dad" she says blowing raspberries on her face.

I watch Alexa with Maya and it makes me feel happy inside for no reason. Watching her with Maya made me want to see that side of Alexa more often. Her innocent little kid side.


"Yes Lex" I say snapping out my trance.

"Could you maybe help settle Maya down by any chance and out her to bed please?" Alexa asks.

"Yes sure I love kids." I say as I pick Maya up out of Alexa's are and hold her in my arms. Maya suddenly reaches up and kisses my cheek and says "Cute" and she snuggled into my neck and I hold her close to me. Alexa is watching me in awe and smiling at me.

"I'm just gonna go clean Shawn up and we'll be back in a few minutes." Alexa says.

"Okay that's fine." I say and hold Maya closer.

Alexa's Pov
Seeing Asher with Maya made me feel happy inside for no reason. Watching him with Maya made me want to see that side of Asher more often. His innocent little kid side.

He looks over at me and smiles and I return it.

"I'm just gonna go clean Shawn up and we'll be back in a few minutes." I say.

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