two weeks till hoco

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Alexa's Pov
I'm playing in the game this week. It's my first game back after what happened with Tyrone in the locker room. So far we're playing great and Spencer just scored a touchdown.

All of a sudden it goes to shit. Asher runs into space but Jordan holds onto the ball until he decides to throw it and Asher gets knocked backwards. I run forward a couple of steps and help him up.

"Adams and Baker seem to be on opposite sides of the playbook today." the announcer says.

"What the hell was that man? He almost took my head off." Asher shouts at Jordan.

"Hey what's going on with y'all get your ass in the game man." Spencer says shoving them.

"Hey nine a clock hurry up." Coach Baker yells.

"Do you wanna lose this game today. Do you wanna lose this game today. Y'all got two seconds to make this right." Coach shouts.

We run back onto the field and start the play.
Everyone tackles a player including me and I knock them to the ground.

"Touchdown for Baker!"

The crowd cheers and Jordan comes up to me and helps me up pulling me into a kiss.

"You did great babe!" I say kissing him back.

"All from the help of you and the team." he smirks into the kiss.

Asher pulls his helmet off in frustration and walks off the pitch.

We walk into the locker room and straight up Asher comes up to Jordan.

"What the hell was that game about?" Asher asks.

"You know what Asher. I pass to you, you whine. I don't pass to you and you whine. We won the game man so shit the hell up and stop whining." Jordan says lightly pushing Asher.

Asher scoffs and walks off and I walk up to Jordan.

"What was that about."I ask.

"Nothing Asher's just bring Asher." he says hugging me.

2 hours later
We're at the coffee shop and I'm sitting at a table with Olivia and Asher is with Layla and her dad. It's two weeks till homecoming and Olivia is talking about how she doesn't want to go.

"Come on you've got to go." I say complaining.

"I don't know I've not got a date." she says.

"Well how about we find you one?" I ask.

"Maybe I don't know." she says.

I look over at Asher's table and see Olivia walking away. Spencer goes up to them and gives them their food and starts talking to them and Asher looks bored out of his mind.

I see Asher get up from the table and walk over to Layla. They start talking but Asher just looks so confused and sad the whole time, clearly Layla can't see it though.

They start walking over to us and still talking.

"Face it your Dad doesn't like me so I'm taking off." Asher says.

"Oh in your private jet?" Layla asks.
"You don't have to act that way to impress my Dad. Just be yourself."

"It's been a long day. The game sucked. Talking to your Dad sucked." Asher says before looking at Olivia and me.

"Your brother and your boyfriend sucks. I'm going home." he says.

"Asher." Layla starts but he walks off.

bad at love~asher adamsWhere stories live. Discover now