surprise shawty

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Asher's Pov
We were having fun and talking when Spencer and Layla go off to talk. Everyone looks confused but shakes it off. We start talking and enjoying ourselves more when out of nowhere Layla comes and starts making out with me. I'm so confused and I can't push her away because she's got me pressed against the wall.

Alexa's Pov
We're all talking after Spencer and Layla walk off when Layla comes out of nowhere and starts making out with Asher.

Alexa's Pov We're all talking after Spencer and Layla walk off when Layla comes out of nowhere and starts making out with Asher

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"Holy-" I say.

"Shit." JJ finishes.

"Isn't she dating Spencer?" Jordan says hugging me from behind.

"I don't know but he does not look very comfortable." Olivia says.

It hurts. Why does that hurt. I should be happy for Asher because he loves Layla but seriously I hate this. I'll just put on a smile and pretend I'm fine though.

Layla pulls away from the kiss and looks at me.

"Why's she looking at me?" I whisper to Jordan who's head is on my shoulder.

"I don't know. To be honest it's kind of creepy." Jordan says making me giggle.

Asher opens his eyes in shock and he looks at me with a guilty look on her face. I look at him then just give him a small smile pretending like that's cool.

"Layla what the fuck!" Spencer says walking into the room after seeing Layla kiss Asher.

"Parties over guys get out!" JJ yells and people leave the party so it's only Asher, Jordan, JJ, Olivia, Spencer, Layla and I left.

"What we're not dating anymore so I can kiss my boyfriend if I want." Layla says walking out the door and Spencer follows her.

"The fuck just happened." JJ says.

No one says anything.

"Do you want us to help clean up?" Olivia asks.

"It's fine Liv, I can do it on my own." I say giving her a hug as she leaves the house.

"You sure?" Jordan asks at the door.

I nod and give him a hug and he gives me a quick peck before leaving.

"That's a happy birthday." he says leaving me dumbfounded and Asher shocked.

"Haha bye Lexa." JJ says hugging me.

"Bye." I say as I shut the door and walk back into the kitchen not saying anything to Asher. I go into the pantry and grab a roll of black bags and tear one off.

"I'm sorry bout Layla I didn't know she was gonna do that." Asher says and I look up at him.

"It's fine." I say smiling at him.

"You sure?" he asks.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be." I say.

"No reason." he says and helps me clean up.

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