saturday practice

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Alexa's Pov
I reach the field and Spencer looks terrible. I'm sitting on the bleachers when some people in suits and ties come and sit a few rows in front of me and start watching the team play. Spencer is doing terrible and he looks horrible, everyone else drank yesterday apart from Asher and I, so I don't know why Spencer is the only one who looks hungover.

Spencer's Pov
"Hey thanks for the ride last night." JJ says coming besides me.

I stand up and stretch. "What?"I say.

"Uhh you didn't drop me off at my house?" he asks.

"Nah bro."

JJ looks behind us before slapping my arm lightly.

"Time to buck up buttercup. Booster hawks are watching." he says and I turn around and see people in suits and ties sitting on the bleachers a few rows in front of Alexa.

Practice starts and I'm already messing up. I'm fumbling catches and throwing the ball terribly. I love missed all my tackles and I've been tackled to the ground within seconds. A little while later when we go to have a water break Asher runs up to me.

"You get it together man. You smell like a party bus." he says walking up to Jordan.

"More like tequila and regret." Jordan adds.

"Hold up y'all set me up. Last night I thought-" I start.

"Thought what. Thought that we were a team. Friends. The only reason you were even at that party is because we asked Layla to get you there." Asher says cockily.

"To what. What haze me. Maybe look back. You got me confused with somebody else bruh." I say getting mad.

"Then go back to Crenshaw." Asher says and that tips me over the edge.

"What you say." I say pushing Asher.
Coach Baker gets between us and pushes us apart.

"Not now. One fight and your done.Game over." Coach says.

He turns around and goes to Jordan and Asher.

"And you, you should know better than this." he says to Jordan.

"Woah do not put this on me Dad. You worked this whole thing up. It was all a lie even the guys reason to be at this school is a lie, a lie to save yourself. Heyo Spencer, you think he cares about you. He's just tryna save his job okay. That's, that's what matters. Not you. You dont.." Jordan says before Coach puts his hands on his chest.

"Jordan that's enough." he says. "Enough. Back to work" he says to Asher and Jordan.

Alexa's Pov
I walk down onto the field not caring that practice is going on. After I see things getting heated between Asher, Jordan and Spencer.

"What the fuck Asher." I yell storming over to him causing all the team to turn around and watch us.

"I can explain." he says putting his hands up in defence.

"What the fuck was that." I say again.

"Calm down Lexi we'll explain over there." Jordan says pointing to the sidelines.
"Away from the team."

"You bet your ass your gonna explain." I say following them.

"Okay so we may have tricked him into coming to the party to haze him so he played badly today in front of the boosters." Jordan admits.

"And why the fuck did you do that."

"I overheard my Dad saying that no one on the team has even half of Spencer's potential and I just got mad and didn't think." Jordan says.

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