game day

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Alexa's Pov
It's game day and I'm at the sidelines with Coach Baker whose allowing me to stay with him for the game.

"Please welcome your Beverly High Eagles" the announcer says.

Everyone runs out onto the pitch through a banner and smoke. I cheer on the sidelines along with Coach Baker. I turn around and see Ms Grace and Dillon so I turn to Coach Baker.

"I'll be back in a minute I've just got to go see someone real quick." I say.

"Okay be quick then because I need you here for moral support" Coach Baker jokes.

"Will do" I say laughing before running off towards them.

"Hey sweetheart how you doing" Ms Grace asks.

"I miss you guys." I say giving her and Dillon a hug.

"I do too but I'm glad you're safe." she says.

"Me too. Sorry but I've got to get back for Coach." I say giving them another hug.

"Bye Lexi." Dillon says.

I run back off to Coach Baker and stand next to him. The game starts and the other team score a touchdown straight away. Then they score again. Then we score. Then Spencer breaks up the pass between two of the oppositions players. By now the score is 20 home and 24 guest. Jordan throws Asher a pad which he catches before he gets tackled to the ground. I see 52 walk away limping on his right leg before I nudge Spencer and say.

"Come on" I walk over to Coach before saying.


"Yes Alexa" he says lifting up his microphone.

"52 is hurt. He's pulling up on his right hamstring after every play. Asher runs a pick on him and Jordan runs right." I say.

"Are you sure your right?" Coach asks me.

"Yep I'm sure. You need to tell Asher if you want to win this game." I say.

"I can win this for us." Spencer says.

"You think you can take him?" Coach asks Spencer.

"I know I can."

"Okay then. Asher!" Coach shouts

"Sup Coach" Asher says coming towards us.

"Spencer's going in. Good stuff, good stuff." Coach says to Asher.

"Get in there." he says turning to Spencer who puts his helmet on and runs onto the field.

"What?" Asher asks disappointed.

"Good work." Coach says.

Asher comes and stands next to me clearly upset that he was taken off.

"Hey Ash I think you played really well" I say bringing him in for a hug.

"Thanks Lex" he says smiling and hugging me back.

Spencer runs on the pitch and the offence moves around. The team huddle together and then break. Jordan gets the ball and starts to run. Spencer goes wide and runs in front of Jordan and tackles 52 who is about to tackle Jordan. Jordan weaves through the players and scores a touchdown. The crowd starts cheering along with me and Coach.

"Touchdown! Beverly Wins!" the announcer says over the microphone.

Our team goes on and congratulates the players. I see Jordan smiling and walking towards his dad but his dad walks towards Spencer and congratulates him instead.

"Sorry Ash I've just gotta go see Jordan" I say before running off to Jordan.

Jordan is talking to one of the oppositions players so I stand there for a second waiting for them to finish their conversation. When they part I walk up to Jordan.

"What was that?" I ask smiling at him.

"Just saying good game." he says smiling back at me before drowning seeing his dad and Spencer hugging.

"Look Jordan I'm sorry for what's happened. I mean you just scored the winning touchdown and your dad hasn't come over and congratulated you yet." I say apologetically.

"It's fine it's not a big deal. I just wish my Dad was rooting for me you know." Jordan says.

"Well no matter what I'll be rooting for you Jordan, always. Also I think you played really well tonight." I say before pressing a kiss on his cheek as if to apologise for his dad not giving him any congratulations.

He smiles at me me before picking me up and hugging me.

"What?" I say smiling when he puts me down.

"Even though that's your cousin over there your still over here congratulating me first." he says smiling at me.

"Everyone deserves to be appreciated for what they're doing on the field. Some more than others." I say.

He smiles and grabs my hand before saying.

"Come on. Let's go join the rest." Jordan says dragging me over to the rest of the team.

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