He knew that you are a master of hand to hand combat and he wants Mirio's attacking speed and tactics improving under your watch. You knew he was one of the big three and you were quite amazed by this title.

It was known that the students that were recognized as the Big Three were the next top Heroes to go by. And when you saw all of his records from school, you couldn't agree more, he was really worthy.

He was almost like All Might. Correction, he was exactly like All Might, they were really like each other.

Both were brave, both were driven by determination to save people with a smile, both use their quirks for the greater good, both has positive mindsets, heck they even has the same appearance.

You even had a vague idea why Nighteye chose Mirio as a permanent intern of his, he was training the boy so that All Might could pass on One for All to Mirio. He wanted to be Mirio the next Symbol of Peace as the both of them were so much alike and worthy.

His smile is really a carbon copy of Bunny ears..

"Wow! You're so good at this, Y/N!!"

Mirio was really really impressed when he watch you fight at the Sports Festival, he watch how smart and how unstoppable you could be when you use your quirk. When he saw you fighting with only bare hands, he was more impressed.

It was not like everybody could train both one's quirk and physic at the same time. In your case, you have two quirks and he also noticed that your body's endurance was beyond imagination.

And on top of that, you're a girl and only just fifteen!

He could admit that he was no chance the same level as you with that kind of monstrous stamina of yours. Although he wanted to see your limit, he now noticed when you guys were fighting, he could not land a hit on you at all!

Both using of quirks and bare hands. He just can't see your weakness at all! You won't be even embarrassed when he used his phase quirk one time and dropped his pants.

You literally saw his *ahem* and it didn't even made you flinch or flustered!

Are you really a girl or what?!

"Well, if you wanna defeat me, you have to be better than that." you lazily stated as you swiftly dodged another attack of his that was aiming at your back.

You shifted to the right in a second and punch his left rib, when he was blown away by the force, you teleported at his new position while he was still in mid air and kicked that side again which it resulted to him being crashing to the wall to the right side.



He coughed, clutching his left abdomen that was badly kicked by you and stuttered as he praises you, "O-Oh my g-god! T-that was awesome!"

His stupid smile didn't even flinched though..

"Time's up, it's break time!"

Both of you heard Bubble girl's voice through the door and you walked up to the boy, holding a hand out and helping him properly stand up.

When the both of you finally sat down at the cafeteria, both of you started to gabble up the food that was prepared for you two and Mirio started to converse with you about various topics.

He was even informed about the recent incident with Stain and Red.

Actually, the whole world already knew it, it was posted online after all in live just like you said and he was one of the people who saw it too. He was telling you the story adding some comments here and there when he thought about it.

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