11. Tokyo-Kyoto Sister School Exchange event pt.6

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Another wave of sharp branches attacked (y/n). He could only attempt to dodge, but it wasn't of any use. He still received cuts.

The wooden balls disappeared, and Hanami lept at him, grabbing poor (y/n) by the face, making roots appear behind him and slamming his head on them. Before dragging it on the ground, and throwing him some meters away.

He did his best to stand up. He couldn't use his right arm for obvious reasons.

Barely standing up, (y/n) did his best to ignore the pain while focusing on Hanami, as the curse approached him. 

More roots appeared as (y/n) overused palm strikes to redirect them, inflicting more pain on his burnt palm, since dodging was not an option because his right arm would still get hurt as it felt weak to move and barely did it.

(y/n) focused a large quantity of Cursed Energy on his left arm, but more on the fist. Leaping at Hanami and sending a critical blow to the curse's body. Sending it flying through many trees. With a hole on its stomach.

Hanami: What was that? Was it his cursed energy?... No. It was more than that

(y/n): That hurt.

(y/n)'s fist was steaming. The hole on Hanami's torso was quick to close

Todo: "Surprising."

Even more, roots appeared surrounding (y/n). But were destroyed by him using 'kaboom', this time putting more cursed energy out of it.

But the main problem with that ability of his is that when used, he enters a sort of cooldown mode, not being able to use cursed energy via the extremity he used, thanks to it altering the flow of it by releasing it so suddenly. The other parts of his body also are affected but to a lesser extent, only causing the abilities used, whether it would be 'bang' or 'pew' or others, causing them to have a decrease of its power.

So thanks to the 'cooldown', another root appeared behind him, and (y/n) attempted to palm strike it, but it failed, whipping him into a tree.

Hanami began to make its way towards him. 

Mai: "(y/n)!"

Hanami was just in front of him, looming over the blindfolded student. But before the curse could do something to him, a bullet hit its head, making a crack on it.

Hanami turned around to face who had sent the attack, spotting Mai aiming her revolver at it, with a bloody nose.

Miwa: "Mai-chan!"

Mai: "Now move, you blind bastard."

(y/n): "I'm not blind..."

He found the bullet laying by some small flowers, taking the opportunity that Hanami had its back on (y/n), putting his cursed energy on his left hand, and flicked the bullet, sending it straight at the curse. Going through its head.

Hanami fell on its knees, not making any movement. (y/n) stood up and walked next to Mai, both of them looking at the corpse and then to each other.

Mai: "Is it... dead?"

(y/n): "I suppose."

Mai: "You need to stop doing these things. You're going to get yourself killed."

(y/n): "I'll be fine."

Mai: "What do you mean fine?! Have you taken a look at yourself! Look at the state you're in!"

(y/n) was covered in dirt, water, blood, and sweat. His right shoulder had a hole on it and his clothes were filled with cuts.

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