4. Day off for (y/n)

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It was currently a sunny day. (y/n) was just wandering around the school, as usual. It was one of the days where he could get to stay in the school and not go out on missions, still alone. But he always got the job done, and besides, he used the time he got to be outside to walk around the forest area of the school.

There was still a week left until the Goodwill event, which the Kyoto students were already prepared for. Including (y/n). So their mission rate had decreased lately, now going almost once or twice a week for a mission.

But now, it was his day off. Students would regularly have one, depending on their missions and accidents that may occur. On days like these, he would sit in the school's garden and admire nature for hours and hours, until another student would call him to do something. But today was different. Mai, Mechamaru, Kamo, and Aoi were sent on missions. Leaving only Miwa and Momo, which were out doing something.

So (y/n) took the opportunity of this, and used his time to stay in the garden as much as he wanted, ending up smelling like leaves and flowers, or sitting in a place for too long that if you touched his clothes, they would be warm thanks to the sun hitting it for so much time, it was also his whole body, you could think he had a fever but in reality, it was nothing. He never had gotten a sunburn. His skin remained in a good condition all the time.


It was now mid-afternoon, (y/n) had been staying in the same place for a couple of hours now. Momo and Miwa had finished what they were doing and were back at the school. A wondering Miwa had spotted (y/n) sitting on the grass, not moving at all, barely looking like he was breathing. She walked behind him and bent down to his level.

Miwa: "(y/n)-san?"

But she didn't receive an answer. She repeated her words but ended with the same result. Slightly alarming her. Miwa grabbed his shoulder and noticed the high temperature in his jacket was. Then she put the back of her hand on (y/n)'s cheek, feeling how hot he was. Her suspicions were correct.

Miwa: "You're burning up! Let's get you to your room!"

She tried to carry (y/n) but ended up dragging him since she got tired because the dorms were quite far from where they were. Mai and Mechamaru, who had just returned from their mission, spotted her grabbing (y/n) from the wrists and taking him inside the dorms. Confused by this, Mai went to check as Mechamaru went with the principal to advise that their mission was successful.

Upon reaching (y/n)'s room, she went to unlock it with a key in his pocket but was surprised to find out that he didn't lock the door, in fact, he never does, because he doesn't know he can do it. And thought that the key was just some weird metal.

His room was spotless, except for some jackets and pants on the ground. Besides that, it was squeaky clean, his bed was tidy, and no dust was to be seen in any furniture or windows.

Laying him on his bed, Miwa, with the biggest blush possible, took his jacket off, putting it on a chair nearby, going to the bathroom to get some wet towels. Having to take care of his two younger brothers had taught her how to take care of a sick person. 

Unlucky for her, as she was removing his jacket, Mai peeked her head in the door frame, watching how she unbuttoned the shirt of a sleeping (y/n). Seeing this without knowing what had happened, many ideas flooded her mind.

Mai: "My, my~, I didn't know you were like this, Kasumi-chan~"

Miwa froze in place. Doing what she was doing was embarrassing enough, having someone catch you doing what she was doing without knowing further, was even more embarrassing.

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