Hoseok ran his fingers through his hair and followed behind her.

They made it out to the car. He unlocked the doors and opened the passenger side door for her. Trinity slid in and kept the papers in her hands. Hoseok hopped in the drivers seat but he didn't start up the car.

He looked over at her. "What's the problem, baby? Because now you making me nervous and my nerves already bad." He said.

Trinity took a deep breath before reaching him the papers. Hoseok frowned and slowly looked down at the papers. He was terrified, thinking she had stomach cancer or a kidney stone or some shit.

But as he read over the papers, he realized that he was way off...

"What the fuck." Hoseok swore, flipping the pages to make sure he was seeing the right thing. Trinity had a feeling he would say that.

"You pregnant?" He asked her, looking over at her.

"That's what the papers say don't they?" Trinity mumbled, fiddling with her fingers.

"But that can't be right. You took the pill." He pointed out.

"I know. But I also haven't had my period since December and as I think back on it we weren't being careful with sex the entire trip to Hawaii. So it's possible and it happened." Trinity explained.

Hoseok opened his mouth to speak but honestly no words could come out. He was shocked. He couldn't do much of anything.

"And even if I took the pill since I was already pregnant before that the pill wouldn't prevent anything." She added.

"How far along are you?" Hoseok asked, sitting the papers on his lap.

"The doctor said a month and some weeks." Trinity shrugged.

"Dammit." Hoseok swore, closing his eyes and leaning back against the seat.

"I mean what did you expect to happen, hoseok? This is the outcome to unprotected sex and carelessness. I know you're upset with me and I'm sorry I should've been responsible on my end...I'm sorry." She apologized.

Hoseok didn't know where that was coming from.


"I'm so stupid." Trinity sniffled, wiping her eyes. She thought about how she was pregnant last year and had lost their child because of stressing and not eating properly.

Now she had to deal with the thought of bringing another child into this world while still grieving the loss of what would've been her first born.

"Trinity stop." Hoseok said, reaching over for her hand and kissing the back of it. "Baby look at me." He said.

"I don't want to." Trinity sniffled, pouting as she stared out of the window.

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Look at me princess. Please." He begged.

Trinity looked over at him. She looked so cute with her little frowny face. But knowing the reasoning behind her tears made him hurt.

"Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. If you were irresponsible then so was I. I'm to blame as well." He said.

"So stop crying," he paused to wipe her tears. "And let's talk about this. Let's figure this all out. Okay?" He asked.

Trinity nodded, moving her hair out of her face.

"I don't know, Hoseok...I mean we just lost a child in August and this is hitting us already. It's been months, granted. But it feels like just yesterday. We have a lot of stuff to figure out on our end. Adding a child to the equation would be a lot to take on." Trinity said.

"I agree." Hoseok said. He knew what he wanted already. From the minute he read the words "pregnant" he knew that he was ready to be a father.

He often wondered what it would feel like. How did Jimin feel when he and Michelle were in this predicament?

How does Suga feel anytime he embraces Mila, has cute father daughter moments with her and spoils her rotten with gifts and affection?

How did Sik feel when he entered the house after a long days work, only to be embraced by his two sons who jumped into his arms the minute they heard him come inside of the house?

Hoseok was still healing from a lot of things. But he knew that this tiny human who he had helped bring into this world would make his entire life way better than what it was.

He had lost one child already. He didn't want to lose another. And he didn't want trinity to get rid of it. But he knew that she had some things to think on as well, so he wouldn't be assertive or demanding.

"I'll give you some time to think. But I know what I want, and I'll tell you how I feel after you come to a solid ground. Deal?" Hoseok asked.

Trinity nodded. That was fair. At the moment her mind was scrambled. She had so much to think about.

"Deal." She said.

A/n: 😩😩

So there you all have it folks. Trin is prego lollll

The last few chapters are going to be extremely cute and emotional. I'm already catching the feels 🥰

Excuse any mistakes <3

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