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felix wakes up with a terrible headache and can't really open his eyes because of the sunlight from the window direction. he shakes his head and stands up properly.

"why am i having a headache?" he asked himself. and something clicked in his head. "i drank...."

"i drank!" he accidentally screamed and jisung knocked the door. "felix! is everything okay?" he asked from outside and felix looked at the door.

he went to the door and unlocked it opening a worried look received from jisung then feeling glad knowing there's nothing happening to felix.

"i'm fine. but jisung,..."

"i drank, and--" "yes, you drunk. you took like 7 shots while you've once told me you can't even take a shot without getting dizzy." jisung said and got a smack on his arm. "what? it's true."

"okay, yeah! i drunk... but how do i ended up here? like was it you?" he asked and sat on a chair. "me? bro, i can't even help myself from being drunk last night how can i help you?"

he said sarcastically and felix rolled his eyes. but something keep asking in felix's head. who helped him?

"it's hyunjin by the way." jisung said and sit on the couch while the other panicking going to jisung. "HWANG HYUNJIN?!" he asked screaming.

"yeah???? why?" jisung asked. "nothing....nothing...." he replied and looked on the floor.

"okay so, i drunk. and hyunjin helped me going back to campus. that's it, right?" he asked himself thinking the other doesn't hear anything.

he then stands up and went straight into his room.

i didn't say anything to him, right?


felix arrived at his third class of the day and just went inside taking a seat. after he took out his things, he go through some notes until someone coming near him.

he looked at that person and couldn't say anything but getting shocked.


he then scooted away a little getting the other's attention. "oh, hey." hyunjin greeted and felix, of course wouldn't resist how good looking he is today.

he wore a white shirt along with a blue jeans and it's already making felix going crazy. he don't even know why.

"felix?" hyunjin called and felix snapped out from his thoughts. he laughed awkwardly and speaks. "hey..."

then he turns his face to the other direction, avoiding hyunjin. hyunjin noticed and come closer.

"are you getting rid of your hangover--" "i'm doing fine!" he cutted hyunjin off by covering hyunjin's mouth and quickly removed it after realizing what was he doing. hyunjin blushed in his heart, obviously.

"here." hyunjin handed a box with tablets while putting on his soft smile that barely everyone can see it.

felix hesitated to take it and then keep it in his pocket. "thanks."

"please don't drink with other guys. i don't want to see them carrying you back."

hyunjin said all of the sudden and wear his earphones back then reading some notes.

what did he...just say...??

felix looked at hyunjin's side profile who's vibing to the songs. he fond a little smile looking at him.

but a thing in his mind suddenly reminded him.

"please don't only use me. you acted like a different personality that jisung have told me. i would never love or like you. i don't want to..."

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