Chapter 17: The Return

Start from the beginning

Ground Zero shot through the air blasting his way towards Muscular,  he maneuvered his way to Muscular's left flank, he swooped in from the front and took him by his left wrist, using his quirk to accelerate he brought the arm to Muscular's back and pinned him to the ground, he let a flurry of explosions pelt the back of Muscular's head in hopes to knock him out. His tactic failed as Muscular managed to stand back up with Ground Zero still pinning his arm to his back, Muscular then spun his entire body around and used the centripetal force to get Ground Zero off his back, he continued to spin until he flung Ground Zero off and sent him flying, Ground Zero learning from their last encounter decided to use his quirk to slow himself down and regain his footing back on the ground. Seeing that Muscular was no pushover,  Ground Zero got a crazed look in his eyes as he realized he did not have to hold back, a huge grin spread across his face and he began to laugh maniacally before blasting the ground behind him and taking off towards his target. Seeing his enemy returning for more, Muscular charged right at Ground Zero with the intention to kill. As the gap between the two closed, Muscular stretched his arms out in an attempt to snatch the vigilante from the air, but to his surprise Ground Zero used his quirk to increase his speed, catching Muscular off guard, before he could blink there were two armor covered knees bashing in his cheek bones at (shit probably) Mach 2. This caused Muscular to stumble back a few steps, but before he could fall, Ground Zero tucked his body to perform a backflip mid air then blast his way back to Muscular's still unguarded face, he grabbed hold of the villains head and concentrated a single explosion on the right side of his face, the end result was so gruesome, the bones on the right side of his jaw were completely exposed while a majority of the muscle fibers on his face were blown away. Ground Zero wasn't done just yet, after the explosion he dropped down to the ground and continued his rampage, he drew knives from the sheaths on his vest and jammed three in each of Muscular's legs, he then proceeded to use his explosions to propel them inwards, sinking down into and even through the villains bones. Succumbing to his wounds, Muscular dropped to his knees. Ground Zero then propelled all around the battlefield, picking up random pieces of debris and jamming them into the body of his enemy. The amount of debris in the body of the villain was quickly increasing by the second, but that wasn't the end of it. Ground Zero spotted a toppled stop sign and retrieved it, he dragged it on the ground behind him as he menacingly stomped towards Muscular. Upon reaching him, he raised the sign with the concrete stump on the top end, he then began mercilessly pummeling the villain with it, every moment that passed, he only increased the speed and ferocity of his blows, after what seemed like hours but were only minutes, Muscular's body was practically a giant pile of gelatin. As muscular laid there on the brink of death, Ground Zero was panting in fatigue, he shook his head and noticed the bloody villain on the ground next to him, realizing who he was, he drew his Ruger 57 and aimed it at Muscular, he then realized there was silence in his ear so he turned his communication Device back on.

Ground Zero: Deags, VulGar come in.
VulGar: Jesus kid, we were starting to think you didn't make it
Deags: Bro are you alright?
Ground Zero: I'm fine... *grabbing his head* I think. I'm drawing a blank on what happened.... Did a storm hit this mall? It's a complete disaster
Deags: Well....
VulGar: GZ what's the last thing you remember?
Ground Zero: Weird question,  but...  ummm... huh...
Deags: Anything in that noggin of yours?
Ground Zero: I was thrown through a building...
Deags: Kid you're killing me with the suspense, out with it already!
Ground Zero: I remember seeing... someone, they were bleeding and...
VulGar: Go on
Ground Zero: And now I'm standing over that muscle bastard with my side arm aimed at his forehead
VulGar: Fuck...  well, take the shot or let him be arrested, choice is yours GZ
Ground Zero: Hmmm... *shuts off his ear piece for a moment* You shouldn't have touched her....

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