Mitsuya x fem reader

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My husband has been looking so fine in the last couple of chapters, and this idea popped into my head so I thought I may as well write it down while I remember it. So enjoy ;)


"Hold still"

He grabs my shoulder firmly, stopping my struggling

"How am I supposed to when you keep stabbing me with needles?" I try to pull away slightly but he kept me from moving

"I wouldn't be stabbing you if you just held still" he said between laughs.

"I'm trying" I whined, flinching away again as he raised his hand which was meticulously clutching another pin. He pauses for a second, looking into my eyes before pinching together two bits of fabric and sliding the needle through

"Try harder"

I let out a groan of frustration as Mitsuya put another pin between his lips and folded a couple of pieces of the fabric that was thrown across me in calculated patterns

"I've been here for hours, how much longer"

"Y/N, we started 20 minutes ago" he replied calmly, removing the pin from his mouth and holding it up to the next couple of folds

"And yet it feels like hours"

"Shouldn't have broken my mannequin then" he threads the pin into the fabric, managing to avoid my skin.

"I'm sorry, it was an accident"

"Ah yes, you just accidentally drove your motorcycle through my fucking house into my bedroom and crashed it into Juil- my mannequin"

I froze up as he said those last couple words

"Hold on, sorry, YOU NAMED YOUR MANNEQUIN?" A joyful grin spread across my face as he met my eyes with a terrified look on his face

"What? N-no" he averted his gaze quickly and fished around behind him for more pins


"Julietta" he mumbled under his breath as he turned back, another handful of pins held delicately between his fingers


Son of a bitch stabbed me on purpose

"Stop talking, you're moving about"

"You just don't wanna talk about Juilietta"

"You would be right in saying that"


Okay that one really hurt

"Hey I said stop talking"

I folded my arms and looked up at his ceiling

"No no, keep your arms down"


He laughed as I held my arms out.
I must look like a grumpy penguin.

Okay so I may have accidentally broken his mannequin but hey it could have happened to anyone. I don't see why I should be punished like th-OW

"Son of a bitch" I hissed, rubbing the area near my collarbone he had stabbed

"Okay that one was actually my fault, sorry" he replied with a soft apologetic smile, rubbing the skin he has nicked

I mumbled a couple of angry words under my breath.

Honestly it was just gibberish, I just wanted to let my irritation out.

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