Draken x fem reader

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A request from 1-800-AnimeWeeb, hope I didn't disappoint! You never answered my question as to what pronouns I should use so I went with good old fem reader as that's easier to write since I'm a girl haha
If you want it changed then just let me know, won't be too hard to fix



I only brought my hoodie when I left the house. Stupid decision on my part, the freezing air was getting in, turning my bones to ice not matter how tightly I hugged myself. My mum had told me it would be cold but the sun was shining bright when I left so I didn't take much notice. She was right, I'm not gonna let her know that though. It's getting kind of late now, I can see the sun starting to to sink towards the ground and yet I don't want to leave my spot on the swing.

I reached my frigid fingers into my pocket to grab my phone, I wanted to look at the photo again. Baji had sent me it earlier today, it was a group photo with all the main men in the gang laughing with their arms round each other. I could see him right behind Kazu-kun, Draken had his arm round Mikey. He had his eyes closed and a big smile on his face. He was really attractive. I don't think I say that enough.

"Baji sent you the photo I see"

I nearly fell off my swing, I didn't need to turn to see the tall figure standing just behind me to know it was him.

"Yeah, he thought I'd like it, I admitted to him last week that I wished I had more photos of my friends"

Ken and I had been good friends for years, ever since he interrupted some guys bothering me, his presence was enough to scare them off. I was scared of him too at first but when he smiled at me and offered me his hand to help me up I just felt a warmth from him, not one he shows very many people.

Maybe it was because of him I ended up getting involved with a gang known as Aizukotetsu, maybe it wasn't. I was always in with one group of delinquents or another even before I met Ken-chan.

"It's not good for girls like you to be out this late alone, not with guys like them patrolling the streets" he'd said and offered to walk me home.

It was the start of a beautiful friendship but I'm not sure I want just a friendship anymore

This hunger for more had started a few weeks ago.

"That explains why he was so stubborn about us needing to take a photo"

"Stubborn seems like the one consistent thing about him"

"That and being a sore loser" he says roughly and sits down on the swing next to me. Sitting down he was still almost a head taller than me, surely his neck must hurt having to look down at me all the time. Maybe I should wear stilts....

"Let me guess, you guys were playing Mario kart again and he kept falling off in rainbow road"

He looks down and smiles, letting out a laugh

"You've played against him before I'm guessing then"

"Bitch broke my controller" I say frowning, I'd hosted a game at my house the week previous and it had gone exactly as anyone would have expected. Punches were thrown, sweets all over the floor and my controller snapped almost perfectly in two, courtesy of Keisuke himself

He erupts into laughter

"What's so funny? I had to buy a brand new one"

This only causes him to laugh more

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