Timeskip Kisaki x fem reader

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Personally I hate Kisaki with a burning passion but I got a request for it and now I'm curious how it'll turn out

A request from LoveableDear
I asked a couple questions about what exactly you wanted but you never replied...so I just did the idea that came to mind when you first requested it, hope you enjoy!

It's timeskip Kisaki, so he is 25 and I'm gonna say that y/n is probably 24

Trigger warning: topless Kisaki Tetta

P.s. don't crusify me for writing this, I beg


I sat alone in the restaurant, my phone in my hand checking to see if he'd actually answered any of my messages yet.

Of course he hasn't, he's always so busy. Has no time for someone like me, then again why would he?

We were good friends as kids but we lost contact for a long time. By some force of what I thought was fate, we ran into each other earlier this week when I was coming back from work. I was wearing my overalls because I work in the hospital and he was wearing this fancy suit and had his hair combed perfectly while mine was in its usual 'I've just finished my 8 hour shift' mess. We exchanged numbers and organised to go for drinks, to catch up tonight and make up for all the years we'd missed.

But he didn't show.

We arranged to meet for half 11 but it's now half 12, I decided to not let a good night go to waste and had a couple drinks by myself. He's not one for being tardy so if he wasn't here at half 11 I didn't expect him to show up at all. And I was right

I stood up, my seat getting pushed backwards by my knees, I grabbed my purse and coat and walked towards the door. Maybe another time. Maybe when he's finally made up his mind over what he wants

I push open the door and the cold air hits my warm face making it tingle. I wrap my coat tighter around me and set off into the night.

He kissed me once, when we were 12 maybe 13. He ran away straight after, I never understood why he did it. Why kiss me if you're just gonna change your mind after? But we were just kids back then, I thought maybe now he'd have grown up but

I guess some people never change.

I walk down the street, away from the restaurant. It was noisy considering it was nearing 1am but then again it's the city center, what else would you expect? My apartment is only a few blocks away luckily so there's no point hailing a cab. I can't wait to get these bloody heels off, can't believe I spent an hour getting ready for a no-show.

I hear a faint noise, something other than the usual city noises. Sounds like voices yelling a couple streets over, oh well it'll just be some teenage boys thinking they run the world. Lord knows the people Kisaki would associate with thought that when they were that age.

I pass by the corner shop next to my apartment and see the shutters down. Strange, they don't normally close till 2, their little attempt to get business off of the drunks that pass by on their way to the train station.

I turn left and walk up the first set of stairs that lead to my apartment. My feet are so sore, the back of the heels have been rubbing on them since I started walking. I stop and lean my hand on the cracked layer of paint that coated the wall while I took off the heels one by one. I've walked up these stairs a hundred times without shoes on, a lot of those times being while I was absolutely shitfaced after a night out with the girls.

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