Smiley x fem reader

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Now that he finally managed to get y/n back in the last 2 ones, I thought I'd stop with the angst and vending machine abuse and send them off on a date, enjoy ( ◜‿◝ )♡


I hate Literature.
I've got a 3 page essay due in tomorrow and I'm a paragraph in, I've been a paragraph in for the last hour and a half.

I put my head down on the desk, resting it on my arm. It's been snowing all day but I can't go out untill I've finished my work cos I know for a fact that I won't get it done later

I'm going insane


The fuck?


I lift my head up quickly and look around. The noise sounds out again and this time I see something white hit the window and burst into pieces.

I hesitantly get up from my desk and move towards the window and peer out

I see a boy with curly orange hair standing out in the front garden, a snowball in his hand ready to thrown. He was wearing blue gloves and a scarf wrapped tightly around his neck. They are definitely Angry's and he's been forced to wear them by his brother, I'm willing to bet my life savings on that

I quickly open the window and lean against the window frame. He drops the snowball and his grin gets wider

"Y/N it's snowing!"

"I gathered" I call back, a smile spreading across my own face. Has he come all this way just to tell me it's snowing?

"Come play with me" I look up at the ceiling and take in a deep breath before slowly letting it out, the urge to laugh building within me. It's been 8 years and that's still how he gets me to come out of the house. Him and his brother live a couple streets down and they'd come running over everyday after school and call out some variation of "Come play with me" and every time I'd give in and go out with them.

Even though he asked me out 6 months ago, he still greets me with the same words he's used since we were kids. It's endearing really

"I've got an essay that's due in tomo-"

"Oh yadda yadda yadda, it's SNOWING!" He quickly lobs the snowball he had hidden in his other hand. I slam the window shut and hear yet another loud Thump on the window.

Ah, so that's what that noise was

I open the window again slowly and stare down at him, my mouth wide open with shock

That little shit

His grin grows yet again and he begins to back away slightly. I slam the window shut and sprint down the stairs, grabbing my coat off of the hook near the door and my boots and running out into the street. I see him standing at the end of the path still backing away, arms full of snowballs

I quickly scoop up a couple hand fulls as I run towards him and begin throwing them one by one at him.

They all missed of course

I stop dead in my tracks as I reach the path and dart off down the street, covering the back of my head.

I hear his maniacal laughter following me as I sprinted down the road, hoping to find cover in the nearby park

One flies past my head, falling to the ground in front of me. I push myself to run faster, hoping if I get enough distance between us, he won't manage to hit me in the head

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