Chapter 52: In Awe but Disgusted.

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Hibachi was exactly what I needed, hit the spot, dead on the head. As we quiet down around the table I start to feel the tension from everyone wanting to know exactly what happened earlier. I clear my throat before I speak, getting everyone's attention.

Dets: "I know all of you have questions, and I have answers. Now is not the time. We need to find this planet, The Garden. We need to get to Thanos before he does something to ruin our shot of getting everyone back. Nebula, do you know where The Garden is located?"

She shakes her head slowly, still very cautious.

Nebula: "Though he may have spoke about what he would do, and where he would go when it was all over, he never told me exactly where this planet is. I am sorry."

Dets: "There is no need for you to be sorry, nor feel any responsibility for what has happened. I do not hold you responsible, no one here holds you responsible. You are not your father, you are your own person. Forgive yourself for what you need to. You have done nothing to me, I have no ill-will towards you."

Nebula: "I appreciate your words."

Dets: "So how exactly are we supposed to find a planet that no one knows the location of?"

Rocket: "I've heard of the Garden, supposed to be desolate, uninhabitable."

Dets: "That is not the case. Time heals all things, including planets. Life survives, it always has, and it always will. That is the way of the universe."

Rocket: "Right, well, as fascinating as that is. I've heard that this planet is in the center of the universe."

Dets: "The universe is never ending, how can we know where the hell the center is?"

Rocket: "I'm just repeating what I heard, don't shoot the messenger."

Dets: "I am not angry with you, I am just irritated. This planet was my ancestors home before the dark elves destroyed it eons ago. No one kept any records of any of this, or the records were lost to time because when I say eons, I mean eons. This was before the time of the dinosaurs, and that was millions of years ago."

Steve: "We will find it, have faith."

Carol: "I have traveled most of the known universe. I have not seen an uninhibited, habitable planet."

Dets: "That's it!"

Rocket: "What's it?"

Dets: "Known universe, she's only traveled what is known. What is unknown could also be what was lost to time right?"

Rocket: "That's a big jump."

Dets: "It makes sense if you think about it."

Carol: "It could be dangerous."

Dets: "I am well aware of the dangers, and I can handle myself. Before anyone says anything; I am not going to stay behind."

Nat: "Dets, we're not asking you to."

Dets: "You're all thinking it."

Everyone looks down at their plates.

Dets: "I didn't need to read anyone's mind to know that everyone wants to place me in some bubble."

Tony walks into the dining room, holding hands with Pepper, looking so much better than before.

Tony: "You are pregnant, can you blame them?"

Dets: "Et tu Tin Man?"

Tony: "Oh no, not me. I know what you are capable of, how stubborn you are. I will never again try to control or tell you what to do. I learned that lesson years ago, and you didn't have magic then."

Odette Parker: The Goddess of LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon