Chapter 49: Who needs sleep?

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A/N: Just skip this entire chapter if you don't like spicy scenes... I mean I don't think there is a safe spot at all... lol ... not true... but the areas are marked so...

Our mouths never leave each other as he walks us back into the bedroom. Neither one of us thinking about the exterior situation, we are solely focused on each other, enthralled and relishing in the feeling. When we finally reach the bed is when our mouths part, both of us practically gasping for air. I speak quietly into the silence of the room.

Dets: "I've seen your memories, now you have to see mine."

He nods his head once before turning and sitting on the bed, having me straddle his lap. I inhale slowly through my nose and take myself all the way back to middle school. I place my fingers on his temple and begin to project my memories to him. I take him back to the day we were assigned the hero's project. I let him see how enamored I was, how determined I was to learn everything about him. I let him see me sleeping in the Captain America T-Shirt my dad got me. I move forward to the day he was found in the ice, how the government couldn't believe he was still alive.

I take him back to the Battle of New York, let him see how hard I was trying to act cool when he held his hand out to me, our brief conversation. I let him see how I held that hand close to my chest, because he touched it, freaking out talking to my mom, telling her I actually spoke to Captain America. I move forward to the mornings in The Diner, how I looked forward to him coming in, because he was sweet, tipped well, how he intrigued me. I let him see how dumb I felt when Dennis told me who he actually was.

I take him to the day of my testing at Stark Tower, how nervous I was to be that close to him, how much comfort I felt when his skin was on mine. I let him see the first time I saw him, as himself. We were standing on the balcony and he was going on about how he wanted to see the indigenous tribes in the Amazon. Moving forward to the night we were in his apartment, how safe I felt being next to him, how sad I was to know that I was going to be leaving this immense comfort, how much I wished I could bring him with me.

I move forward to the first time I saw him after his workout, then in the bathroom before his shower. He knew how hard I was trying to respect his values, and calm my raging hormones. I let him feel what I felt when he kissed me for the first time, the complete peace, the tranquility. Our first time together from my perspective was just as intense as it was from his point of view, both of us not understanding why we are so enamored with each other, never wanting to be parted, the absolute peace.

He saw it all, the good, the bad, the ugly, everything. He saw every time I scolded myself for watching him walk away, every time I had to stop myself from flirting with him, how much I hated myself for missing his arms around me, fighting not to kiss him, how hard I tried to deny my feelings to avoid drama, how relieved I was when Bucky said he already knew. I let him see me talking to Freya, and how she described what he is to me, my hope. When I finish with all my memories, I pull his face to mine and kiss him, pushing everything he makes me feel through.

His arms wrap around me and pull me as close to him as he can get me, running under my shirt, his hands send chills down my spine. He runs his hands back down my spine and grips the hem of my shirt, and between kisses he raises my shirt above my head. My hands roam down his shoulders and the front of his chest, I grab his shirt and raise it over his head. He grunts when his arms have to leave my body to remove his shirt. I smile into the kiss and run my fingertips along his shoulders, collar bone, and his delicious abs. His hand runs back up my spine and cups behind my head to pull my mouth back to his, kissing me so deeply I can't tell where he ends and I begin. He breaks the kiss and speaks into the small space between us.

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