Chapter 39: I am F.I.N.E. (Fucked up, insecure, neurotic, emotional)

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We approach the door and are transported inside. I see the magic. Like literally, I saw it...weird. I call out from the walkway we are currently standing in. I pull upon my power and have it at the ready.

Dets: "Cute trick. Who ever you are, you are not more powerful than I. Return my Mate or I will not yield. I can promise you will not like the result of my fury assault!"

A man comes floating down the stairs, with a cape. It takes everything in me not to snort out a laugh. This guys outfit is ridiculous, and we've all seen what Thor and Loki consider battle armor.

Strange: "Thor Odinson, Odette Parker. Welcome."

Dets: "How do you know that name? Who the fuck are you? Where is Loki?"

Strange: "My name is Dr. Stephen Strange. I am the keeper and protector of the Time Stone, Master of the Mystical Arts."

Dets: "You answered one question. How do you know that name? How do you know me? Where is my Mate?"

Strange: "Your Mate is elsewhere at the moment. He is on a short list of people who are never allowed to set foot on Earth again."

Dets: "Who made this list? You? Listen little man. You may be Master of the Mystical Arts, but I am a Goddess. You are not more powerful than me. Return my Mate, NOW!"

Strange: "Why are you here?"

Dets: "You stole my Mate, left me your card. Why the fuck else would I be here?"

Strange: "Why is Loki on Earth?"

Thor: "To retrieve my Father."

Strange: "You will leave with him when you accomplish this task?"

I hold both my hands out and cage the magician and myself within a silencing shield. He looks perplexed.

Dets: "You will answer me Magic Man. Where is my Mate? How do you know that name?"

Strange: "I saw you coming, I searched through time and space to know your story. You are no threat to Earth. Your Mate is."

Dets: "He is no threat, and you will be wise to not threaten him in my presence. He will harm none. He was not responsible for The Incident.. You claim to see things, you should see that then. He is no threat."

Strange: "I care not for your version of things. It is my job to protect your reality. I will find Odin only if you promise that Loki will not return to Earth."

Dets: "I am a Goddess, I bargain with no one. You will return my Mate, or your building will be rubble."

Strange: "You can not intervene."

Dets: "What did you say to me?"

Strange: "You must not intervene. You must go. This is not your path. You have seen your path."

Dets: "What do you know of my path?"

Strange: "You are the key."

I am starting to get irritated. I just want Loki back. Fuck this dude. I don't care about anything else right now. I just need my Mischief.

Dets: "Return him to me. He bears no harm. I swear it."

Strange: "I will release him. You must not intervene."

Dets: "I won't. I swear it."

Strange: "So be it."

I recall the shield and instantly hear Thor.

Thor: "What was that? Why could I not hear you? What happened?"

Dets: "Nothing of importance. The Doctor and I needed to speak privately."

Odette Parker: The Goddess of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now