Chapter 15: Memories and Secrets

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Dets: "Good to see you too Tony. You wanted an explanation right? Well I am going to give it to you. Is Banner here?"

Tony: "Banner went off grid after Sokovia. We haven't heard from him since."

Dets: "Awww where is the rage machine hiding?"

Tony: "No one knows. Nat is inside with Rhodey. Any idea where your best friend Cap is? Heard about the jail break. Interesting how they appeared and disappeared like that. Barton and Scott are both on house arrest, they can never get involved with this again. They will go back to prison."

Dets: "I heard about the jail break too. Weird huh? I will not tell you where Cap is. And I worked with T'Challa to get them those plea deals."

Vision: "And what of Wanda?"

Dets: "AHHHH, so you're the one."

Vision: "I am the one?"

Dets: "The one she was missing. Don't worry, you will see her again."

Tony: "If he sees her, he has to bring her in to custody."

Dets: "Shut up Tony. Are you going to invite me inside?"

Tony: "Come on it. Your cousin should be here shortly."

Dets: "That reminds me...." I walk over to Tony and give him a decent right hook. "You lied to me Tin Man. That was for your weak ass apology. You promised you would keep him safe. Dragging him to fucking Germany to fight in a battle that could have been avoided is not keeping him safe."

Tony holds his face in his hand and Pepper walks out.

Tony: "Son of a bitch!"

Pepper: "Odette?"

I look up and smile as I walk past Tony.Pepper and I hug and she holds me out at arms length

Pepper: "You like to hit him don't you?"

Dets: "He earned that one. Peter is my cousin."

Pepper: "I know. I told Tony is was a bad idea to involve him. To be honest, Peter reminds Tony of you. Your death hit him hard for only knowing you a short time."

Tony and Vision walk up and join us.

Tony: "He is respectful though. He hasn't hit me."

Dets: "That's because you are his hero. You saved his life at that Stark convention years ago. He has never let it go."

Tony: "He has good taste."

I snort our a laugh as we all walk inside.

Pepper: "Would you like me to take your bag?"

Dets: "Nah." I snap my fingers and send my bag to my apartment in Queens. "It's now at my apartment."

Tony: "You have an apartment?"

Dets: "I have several safe houses around the world Stark."

Tony: "How on Earth did you manage that?"

Dets: "Fury. He gave me money from a dead project at SHIELD."

Tony: "You laundered money from a government agency?"

Dets: "Technically?"

Tony: "Are there any laws you haven't broken?"

Dets: "I don't think so."

Tony: "Jesus. Well let's go into the living room. You have some explaining to do."

Dets: "How many times have I told you that I do what I want. And I am not going to explain it, that would take way too long. I am going to show you."

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