Chapter 6: Biology games?

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When we exit the bathroom the bread and water are on the table. Justina is there with Odette and Sarah. I've been gone too long. How is she three already? Juliana gives me a soft smile as Odette runs up to me

Odette: "Auntie Dets! You're here!"

I pick her up and hold her to me tight.

Dets: "Yes I am baby girl. I missed you so much. I am so sorry I was gone for so long."

Odette: "Are you staying?"

Justina: "Odette, you know Auntie Dets lives on Earth."

Odette: "But she is our Princess."

Dets: "Yes I am, but the All-father knows I have responsibilities on earth. Just like Thor has responsibilities to the 9 realms."

Odette: "You're Earth's protector?"

Dets: "I am one of them. There are many."

Odette: "They don't need you."

Dets: "Munchkin, right now they need me more than ever. Some bad things happened recently and I have to go back and handle everything."

Odette: "Why are you here now?"

Dets: "To see you of course!"

I kiss her cheek as she giggles in my ear.

Dets: "Do you want to see Uncle Bucky?"

I turn as she nods her head enthusiastically and her arms fly out and waver.

Odette: "What happened to your toy arm?"

I hand her off to Bucky as he wraps his right arm under her for support. He kisses her cheek before answering.

Bucky: "I lost it."

Odette: "Are you going to get a new one?"

Bucky: "I don't know yet pumpkin."

Odette: "Mommy, can we go with Auntie Dets to Earth?"

Justina: "What about daddy baby?"

Odette: "Just for a visit?"

Justina looks to me for help. Shit, I don't know how to say no to this little girl. I made her a Princess for crying out loud.

Dets: "How about this? How about when Auntie Dets gets everything settled, you and mommy come down for a week to visit. Like a vacation? You can meet all of Auntie Dets friends and I can take you to all the cool places I traveled before I met up with Uncle Bucky? How does that sound?"

I look at Justina and shrug. She rolls her eyes and nods. Odette jumps down from Bucky's arm and runs over to her mom, arms up. Justina picks her up.

Justina: "Fine. We will go visit once Auntie Dets says it's safe."

Odette: "YAY!"

Sarah: "If you wouldn't mind I would like to have a private word with Princess Odette."

Dets: "Yeah, let's go in the bedroom. I need to put on actual clothes."

I look back at Bucky before walking towards the bedroom with Sarah behind me. She locks the door and places a silencing bubble up. I walk into the closet to grab something to wear. I have no clean clothes apart from my Asgardian attire. Whatever. I grab an outfit I can get into on my own and walk back into the bedroom.

Dets: "You're getting better at that."

Sarah: "Thank you. Are you OK?"

Dets: "I will be."

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