Chapter 27: Pizza and a movie

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When we got to the bridge Skurge looked confused. Justina and Joe were bringing a lot of luggage with them. Loki and I decided not to tell the counsel about them staying on Earth with me. I don't want to start a panic. Faux Odin pulls me to the side and gives me a hug before kissing my forehead.

Faux Odin: "Take care of your self Princess, take care of your family."

Dets: "You are my family too, even more so. I need you to promise me you will be safe, and take care of yourself. Please."

Faux Odin: "I promise."

We walk back to the group and explain what is going to happen. I put a shield around their luggage and ask Skurge to drop us onto my property. I tell everyone to stay put and blink Stephanie and Tim back to their home. I let them know we can visit Asgard again soon. When I get back to the property Sarah is looking around confused.

Sarah: "What is this place?"

Dets: "My property. I own 500 acres."

Sarah: "Why do you need all that space?"

Dets: "I have plans."

I turn to the group and let them know I will be right back and take Sarah home. When I blink back to the clearing the group is sitting on some of the chairs the construction crew left. I ask all of them to hold hands as I blink them to the house I am currently living in. The boost I got from Loki made the trips easy, When we arrive I remove the shield from the luggage and ask them to follow me up the stairs.I start showing them the rooms.

Dets: "This room has it's own bathroom. Peter sleeps here when he stays over. One of you can take it if you want, I am sure he won't mind. Justina and Joe can take the room upstairs. Margarette and Sophia can pick one of the rooms that shares a bathroom. Odette can sleep in my room with me."

Odette: "Where is uncle Bucky?"

Dets: "He is being treated in a place called Wakanda. We will see him, I promise."

Justina: "Are you sure you want her to sleep with you? Margarette and Sophia can have the upstairs room, we can share the bathroom with her and she can take the other."

Dets: "Doesn't matter to me. Whatever makes you comfortable. I just thought mini me would wanna slumber it up with me."

Odette: "Can I Mommy?"

Justina: "For tonight. We will discuss the remainder later."

Dets: "Sweet. Well Mini Me, my room is on the top floor."

Odette: "Like a real Princess?"

Dets: "Exactly! Wait until you see the bathtub!"

Odette: "Is it as big as your tub on Asgard?"

Dets: "Goodness No! No one really ever needs a tub that big. This one is big for Earth though."

Justina: "How does an Earth bath work?"

Sophia: "Yes, I am curious as well, we will all need a washing."

Dets: "Indoor plumbing. I will explain how it all works. Let's get you settled into your rooms first."

After everyone got situated in their rooms, I walked them through the house. I had to explain how indoor plumbing worked, which was fascinating. I showed them the kitchen and explained electricity, and the fridge and freezer. It was almost cute how ignorant they all were. I mean the culture shock I experienced when I stayed on Asgard was a lot, I however, had seen candles before. They have never seen any of what I am showing them. It's all new to them. I walk them through the living room and show them the TV, which just causes blank stares.

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