Chapter 30: Mirror Image

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A/N: Spicy parts have their usual (>>>) to (****)

I did not want to wake up this morning, like at all. I ended up passing out on Bucky right after dinner. I didn't realize how tired I was. When it was time to get up I rolled away from him and stuck my head under the pillow. I whined after I realized I wasn't falling back asleep.

Dets: "I am not getting up."

Bucky: "We have the first round of deprogramming today Doll."

Dets: "I know! Doesn't mean I am going to be happy about it."

He chuckles as he responds.

Bucky: "Why are you so cranky this morning?"

I threw the pillow at him, which he caught. I roll over and look at him through my crazy hair.

Dets: "Do you have any idea how exhausting globe hopping is? I pulled five people with me all over the world, at the whim of a spoiled three year old. The time changes alone fucked me up, never mind the magic use."

He leans down and kisses my nose.

Bucky: "You could have traveled like a normal person."

Dets: "That would have taken forever. We had a blast, I think it was just a lot. We didn't stop, we went to a different country every other day basically."

Bucky: "How about we go take a shower?"

He brushes the hair out of my face and traces my jaw line as he smiles.

Dets: "Like a shower shower, or a shower?"

Bucky: "You pick."

I sit up on my elbow and raise my eye brow at him.

Dets: "You think your slick."

He chuckles as he runs his hand over his face and sits up. He holds his hand out to me and I sit up and take it. He scoots of the bed practically dragging me with him. When we get into the bathroom, he starts the shower and turns back to me. His eyes rake up and down my body. I know I look rough this morning, but he always looks at me like I am the only thing he sees.

Dets: "I have no idea what you see, cause I look rough this morning."

Bucky: "You are gorgeous, all the time."

Dets: "And you're crazy."

He rolls his eyes at me before walking up and standing in front of me.

Bucky: "You could never be anything other than gorgeous in my eyes. I see your soul remember?"

I start to giggle as I make my snarky comment. I am feeling feisty this morning.

Dets: "So what you're saying is my soul is gorgeous, but my face, not so much."

That earned a pinch to my side and a stern face.

Dets: "I am messing with you, you make it so easy."

He silences the rest of my statement with a kiss that had me seeing stars. I sink into him and our tongues dance across each other, writing our own symphony. His arm slides around me and under my shirt. His touch sends fire through my veins. I feel him grab the hem of my shirt and he pulls it over my head. His hand runs down my spine sending shivers through out my body, resulting in goosebumps to rise up all over me.


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