Chapter 42: Divinity, you bitch.

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The rest of the week flew by. Nat was fine, no permanent damage. I am definitely not pregnant, my monster week started. I spoke with Sarah and Stephanie and showed them my vision, they both agree that because of my power I should not plan on giving birth in a hospital full of people. They also believe that Sarah will be fine to do so. I am going to be there anyway but I will be extra security in case something does happen.

Today is the day I tell my Asgardian family what is going to happen to their world. I have no idea how I am going to make them understand that there is literally nothing I can do to prevent what has to happen. Justina, Joe, Margarette, and Sophia are all in the living room; Buck and Steve are keeping Odette preoccupied outside. I am pacing in front of my company, I know they can tell I am stupid nervous.

Justina: "Will you please stop pacing? What is going on Dets?"

I stall and look at them, melancholy written all over my face

Dets: "I have bad news, and I have no idea how to say it out loud."

Justina: "What is this about?"

Dets: "Asgard."

Joe: "What of Asgard."

I plant myself in front of them and hold out my arms.

Dets: "Do you want to see it, or do you want me to say it?"

Justina: "Has it already happened?"

Dets: "No, this a future that can not be changed."

Justina: "Is it the reason we are living here now?"

Dets: "I had no idea this was happening until last week. I swear on everything holy and good."

Sophia: "Please, Princess. Tell us."

Dets: "I honestly don't know if I can form the words. I'd rather just show you."

All of them nod as I stand and walk around the coffee table.

Justina: "Brace yourselves. This is going to be hard to see."

I steel myself as I project the vision of Ragnarok, without my assistance. When the vision ends I pull up my shields and hold up my hands.

Dets: "Before you say anything, I am now going to show you the vision where I am there, assisting, and what happens when I am involved. Hopefully you will understand why I can not interfere."

I show them the vision of me being there, fighting with Thor and Loki, they watch me die, then they see Hela destroy the entire universe. When the vision ends their faces are showing the despair.

Dets: "Do you understand? Do you see why I can't interfere? It's the fate of the entire universe, vs the fate of one planet. The people get to safety, I've seen them on a ship with Loki and Thor, and yes since you don't know, Loki is alive. Please don't ask questions, I don't have it in me to explain any more right now. Please don't be disappointed in me. Please tell me you understand why I have to let this happen."

Justina: "I can't speak for everyone, only myself, but I understand the impossible choice you have had to make. I am sad for the loss of my home planet, but we live here now, this is our home. You brought us here to keep us safe. I know the threat that we face is bigger than the loss of a planet."

Joe: "I could not imagine having to see the things you see, feel what you feel. It must be tiring to have to be burdened with the knowledge you have."

Sophia: "I agree with Justina. You always make the right choice. I will always support you."

Margarette: "I agree. You never put yourself first, you are always your last choice. Why would you ever think we would not support you?"

Their answers have tears sitting on my lashes. I blink and huff out a laugh.

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