Chapter 28: Tea with the Queen

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Waking up at 5:30 to get ready sucked. Odette and I crashed after my vision, she ended up in between me and Steve curled into my side. It was a cute way to wake up, better than her foot in my face anyway. I rolled out of bed and jumped into the shower. After about five minutes I hear a knock at the door.

Dets: "Come on in."

Steve opens the door and has his head down to the ground.

Steve: "You sure?"

Dets: "You've already seen me naked. What's up?"

He chuckles before looking up into the mirror across from the door tentatively.

Steve: "Just wanted to see how you were feeling after last night."

Dets: "I am not sure yet. All I know is I have to go meet the Queen with my mini me. Is she awake yet?"

Steve: "Yes, she woke up when you got out of bed. Rolled over and told me to come check on you."

I bark out a laugh before grabbing my razor and starting to shave.

Dets: "I swear I don't know where she gets it from."

Steve: "I wonder."

Dets: "Can you ask her to come in here. She needs a wash too."

Steve: "Of course. Would you like me to make you some thing to eat?"

Dets: "Sure. She likes pancakes, think you can manage those?"

Steve: "I am not Sam."

I laugh again and turn to see Odette walking into the bathroom rubbing her eyes. I stick my head out the glass door and motion her forward. Steve shuts the door as he leaves us be to go make her some pancakes. Spoiled, so spoiled.

Dets: "Come here mini me. This is called a shower, you bathe while standing. You and I both need a washing before we meet the Queen."

Odette: "What do I do?"

Dets: "Well, what do you do for a normal bath?"

Odette: "My mommy sets it up."

Dets: "Get out of your sleep clothes, I'll help you wash."

Odette: "OK."

She is out of her sleep clothes and standing at the door, looking terrified.

Dets: "It's like a lower pressure water fall. The water is hot instead of cold."

Odette: "That's cool."

She walks slowly towards the spray and giggles as it hits her. I grab my shampoo and wash her hair while she tries to catch the water in her hand. I grab the soap and help her wash since she has never washed standing. When we are all fresh and clean I snap an extra towel from the linen closet after I turn off the water. I wrap myself and her up and hoist her onto my hip. I sit her on the counter and she turns and puts her feet in the sink. I brush her hair out before brushing mine.

Dets: "What color do you want to wear meeting the Queen?"

Odette: "I want to match you."

Dets: "I was going to go with a light purple dress I bought a few weeks ago. It's flowey, you want to wear the same one as me or you want to find something else?"

Odette: "Same one."

Dets: "Figured, but I thought I would offer you choices. OK, lets go mini me."

I grab her and place her on my hip again before walking into the closet. I snap some kids undies from a store in the city and then I have to concentrate on the dress. I can't remember where I bought it.

Odette Parker: The Goddess of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now