Chapter 14: Well Ravished.

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Waking up the next morning was a challenge. Well not the waking up part, but the moving part. Every single muscle in my body hurt, and my veins were on fire. I was so deliciously sore and had way too much magic stored. I open my eyes and I am being held securely against Loki's chest. If I wasn't in pain from my magic I wouldn't move.

I try to slip out underneath his arm, and that backfires. He opens his eyes slowly and looks at me like I have lost my mind. I think we have slept for like 4 hours.

Dets: "Too much power."

He groans before grabbing me and kissing my forehead. He releases me and covers his eyes with his arm. When I finally get to the end of the bed and try to stand is when I feel the full weight of my soreness.

Dets: "Jesus fucking Christ."

Loki: "Everything OK Kitten?"

I look over my shoulder and he hasn't moved his arm but the smile on his face tells me everything I need to know. So what do I do? I aim and blow him off the bed. Seeing the sure terror in his eyes for two seconds before he realized what I was doing was 100% worth it. Next thing I know he is standing next to me.

Loki: "Good thing you can cast illusions love, you look positively well ravished."

I look down and see the bruises from his hands gripping me, hickeys, bite marks. If I didn't know any better I would look abused.

Dets: "Holy fucking shit! No shit it's a good thing. I need to speak to the counsel today. My Consort isn't with me. Sweet baby Jesus Loki."

Loki: "Are you upset love?"

I look up at him and he looks almost frightened.

Dets: "No. God no. Last night was... indescribable. Why would I be mad?"

Loki: "Yes, it was. But I left marks, everywhere. I was too rough."

I grab his hands in mine and squeeze.

Dets: "If you know me, which you do. You already know that everything that happened last night was what I wanted. If I didn't, it wouldn't have happened. This isn't the first time I've had to illusion bruises and hickeys away, it wont be the last. Besides if you physically hurt me, you would know. I promise you I am content. I may not be able to walk correctly but I am OK."

Loki: "Why do you need to speak to the counsel?"

I attempt to walk past him to the window as I speak. Have you ever had like a serious leg day in the gym, where you felt like jelly after your sets, then the next day every single muscle is crying at you and all you want to do is not move them? Multiply that by about 100 and that's where I'm at.

He watches me struggle for a solid minute before he walks up to me and grabs my arm and leads me to the window. I sit in a chair on my balcony and light a smoke before I alleviate some of my pent up power. I have figured out a way to let it out like a pressure cooker release instead of the bursts I used to do. That took some fun experimenting.

Dets: "I am going to need a hot ass bath, or an ice cold one. I am not sure yet."

Loki: "When are you returning to Earth?"

Dets: "Today hopefully. I need to go see my mom. Peter knows and we have to tell her. Then I have to figure out how I am going to get the government to recognize me as myself Odette Parker, but also the Crown Princess of Asgard and the Goddess of Love. That is a lot to try and fit on a drivers license.

He snorts out a laugh which causes me to laugh. He usually doesn't laugh at my jokes. Hmm.

Dets: "You laughed at my joke."

Odette Parker: The Goddess of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now