Chapter 44: Luminescent Glow Worm

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A/N: Thank you to everyone who has stuck by me as I try and find time to write. Thank you to everyone who has shared this story. I do hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Some spice in the middle so skip it if you need to. When I said I was no longer following the MCU timeline I meant it. I hope you don't hate it too much!

I am once again woken up in an inferno of body heat. I look over to my right and see Bucky fast asleep, a crinkle in his forehead. I run my hand gently down his face and he relaxes instantly. I smile to myself as I look over to my left and see Steve fast asleep as well. I place a gentle kiss on both of their cheeks and slip out of bed. I make my way down to the kitchen and jump a little when I see Vision standing in my kitchen.

Dets: "Hey there Vision, when did you and Wanda get here?"

Vision: "We arrived late last night. The Captain and Mr. Barnes informed us you were already in bed. I apologize for not being announced."

I wave my hand and give him a hug as Wanda enters. I start to walk towards her, arms open ready for my hug; when she drops to her knees and bows her head.

Wanda: "I bow to you, Odette, Goddess of Love, Life, and Balance. I swear fealty to you and you alone. You are my Queen."

My response is immediate and out of my control.

Dets: "I accept your fealty Wanda Maximoff. Rise and know you never need bow to me again. You are family."

She stands and hugs me hard, speaking into my shoulder as we embrace.

Wanda: "You want to explain what that was?"

I release her and she walks over to a very confused looking Vision.I shrug my shoulders as I answer.

Dets: "I am divine now. I am a literal God on Earth. I release an energy that causes those around me to react and acknowledge it. Those who are willing will swear fealty."

Vision: "Would you accept my vow as well?"

Dets: "There is no need Vision."

Vision: "Please, I would be honored to be included."

Dets: "Okie Dokie then."

Vision: "What must I do?"

Dets: "Well most get down, kneeling like Wanda did, bow their heads and repeat the oath."

Vision: "How did she know the oath?"

Dets: "I have no idea honestly. This is all very new to me."

Wanda helps me down into the position she was previously in and repeats the words back into his ear. He bows his head as he repeats the oath.

Vision: "I bow to you, Odette, Goddess of Love, Life, and Balance. I swear fealty to you and you alone. You are my Queen."

He looks up after he speaks and his eyes widen in shock. I look over at Wanda, who's eyes are also wide with wonder.

Dets: "I accept your oath Vision, keeper of the Mind Stone. Rise and know you will never bow to me again. You are family."

He stands and they grasp hands and look at me, even more perplexed than before.

Dets: "Want to explain why you're looking at me like I am radioactive?"

Wanda: "You're glowing!"

Dets: "What?"

I look down at myself and I'll be damned if there wasn't a faint glow, fading swiftly as I watch.

Dets: "Fuck me! I'm a glow worm."

Odette Parker: The Goddess of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now