Chapter 5: I choose you

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A/N: Chapter only seems long because there is a lot of dialogue. 

Ladies: This is a perfect example of jumping to conclusions. Communication only works when both parties stop hearing and start listening.

The first thing I see when I wake up is Bucky. He is sitting up in bed watching me sleep.

Bucky: "Hey Doll."

Dets: "Hey Soldier. Where am I?"

Bucky: "Wakanda, a guest room.

Dets: "How are you?"

Bucky: "Alive. They removed the remainder of my arm."

I sit up and I see that the remainder of his arm has been removed. Yesterday starts to come back to me. I swallow the tears forming as I remember what Bucky did.

Dets: "Are you OK?"

Bucky: "Weirdly enough yes. I mean it's strange but I can live with it."

I nod slowly. I turn my face away as a tear slides down my face. I wipe it away.

Dets: "So on the way over here T'Challa said they could help you. What did he mean?"

Bucky: "Deprogramming. They have a way to do it safely. We can talk about that later. I want to just be with you. I'm sorry for what I did back at the base. I knew what would happen if Stark attacked me. I couldn't let you intervene."

I choke bag a sob. I can't deal with this.

Dets: "You were just going to let him kill you? You were going to leave me?"

Tears start running down my cheeks. Bucky grabs my hand and pulls me towards him. I climb onto his lap and he starts to wipe the tears away.

Bucky: "I need you to listen Odette. Steve was there. I had to pay my debt baby. I know you don't understand it."

Dets: "How could you think I would be OK without you? You said I had Nat, you were going to tell me to leave you. You were going to break the bond."

Bucky: "I wanted you to live. I wanted you to be able to go back to your mom and your cousin. I wanted you to have a full life, not be weighed down with the sins of mine."

Dets: "You promised me always. You promised me partners, together, always. You lied."

I roll off of him and start to walk away.

Bucky: "Baby please listen and let me explain."

Dets: "No! Don't baby me. You were going to break our bond James. You were going to break my heart."

I exit the room and start walking down the hallways. After about a minute I realize I have no idea where I am, where I am going, or what I am doing. I find my way outside into a garden of sorts. I fly up and head out to the forest I see in the distance. Once I land I let loose the tidal wave of sorrow I feel. I scream loud and a wave of power flattens everything around me within 100ft.

How could he do this? What is he thinking? There is no reason for this. My heart hurts so much. The bond is still there, I feel it. This is all emotion. Stupid, weak, human emotions. I know who I need to talk to.

Dets: "Skurge. Tell the King I need to see him. I'm hurt."

I walk out to the outer ring I created and the bi-frost comes down. Faux Odin rushes to me as I collapse as a new wave of tears hits me. He reaches me before I hit the ground pulling me into his arms as he sits.

Faux Odin: "What happened? Please Odette, talk to me."

Dets: "Bucky... "

I try and talk but all I can do is cry.

Odette Parker: The Goddess of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now