Her words were direct and clear, yet when she spoke, rather than feeling reassured, he felt even worse.

'You are right. Yet why does it seem as if your speaking of someone who has nothing to do with you? Have you pushed us so far away that even your mother isn't allowed in your heart? Just what happened in the future that you feel that it is right to keep such a distance from us?'


"!.. Seraph."

A man with stormy hair and a beautiful yet sophisticated face rushed inside with Raphael and surprisingly Uriel right behind them.

"Seraph! Don't just run before I can finish speaking."

"I don't have to hear the whole thing to understand my sister can finally be cured!"

Different from his usual composed image, he was visibly overwhelmed and visibly affected by the news.

"I see uncle Uriel is here too?"

"Ah- yes, I was heading out but noticed Seraph and Raphael speaking and then decided to follow along."

"I see... well either way, it is fine. So, can I begin?"


Seraph appeared confused that she would be the one speaking about this matter so he turned to Raphael.

Sighing, Raphael just points for the rest to sit down while he explains.

"This is why I told you to listen. It appears that Sakura and Sir Caspian may know the way to cure Aurora. However she hasn't told us yet since we wished to have you here to hear it as well."

"Sakura and that holy knight? Why would both of them know if they have never been once near Aurora. Ah- sorry for saying that."

"No offense taken, I understand you guys are just trying to protect me from seeing my mother in such a state "

Taking another sip of the iced black tea. She waited for them to place their full attention to her.

"Father already knows and most likely you as well uncle Seraph; that the holy knight Caspian of the holy empire suddenly decided to make a visit to my palace.
Now, you would wonder why such a knight of great prestige would visit a child he meet maybe five times in his life. And why we activated a silencing device so not even the hidden guards father placed around me can hear in on the conversation."

"... we were a bit curious on why you did so, even covering your mouths so not even reading your lips was possible."

Only a smile reached her lips after Seraph said that.

"Yes well; one can never be too careful. Even if they are guards father trusts: I don't."

Glancing up, she quickly moved her eyes away and continued.

"I made a deal with Caspian."

"!? When was this?"

"Two years ago in the second birthday of Kenneth. When Caspian came as the representatives for his kingdom- well, empire. There was a moment where I was able to have a discussion with him when everyone was distracted in searching for Kenneth, who 'suddenly' went missing."

"You had something to do with that?"

Seraph quickly caught something in her voice and narrowed his eyes at the sudden revelation.



"I knew he was safe and would be found in less than ten minutes."

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