13|~•~Daddy issues~•~

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So looks like John is back and this somehow Stefan's big save out life plan. But if it includes John then I don't want any part of it. My own father or uncle I don't know what to call him anymore. He tried to kill me burn me alive.That's not exactly family material. Caroline called me said something important came up with Tyler and that she needs a friend to talk so I'm heading off into the grill.

"I'm going into the grill Care needs help" I yell at Elena who's in the kitchen but stop when my vision gets red from seeing him. Talk about the devil. I extend my wings and with super speed I pin him by the wall.

"What are you doing here. Don't you have other places to be" I threaten him while holding him to the wall by his shoulders.

"Okay no need to get violent?" He says calmly and both me and Elena scoff at this?

"No need to get violent you tried to burn my sister alive" Exclaims Elena madly and I back her up.

"Yeah and you shot your daughter in the back" I add to it and he sighs.

"That wasn't for you I was trying to kill the vampire" he defense himself.

"That's not okay either" I exclaim though I quickly hide my wings when I hear Jenna come in to the room so I quickly leave not wanting here any of the conversation spoken there.

I spot Caroline near the grill and she tells me that Tyler knows we killed Mason perfect. Cause we didn't have enough problems.

"So then he lashed out on me completely and I felt so powerless" Caroline tells me as we walk to her car but we're stopped by Matt.


"Hey. I'm not avoiding you I swear" Caroline says immediately but even I don't believe it.

"But you're worrying me a little" Matt answers her and she chuckles.

"Okay maybe she is a little" I say and point the space between two of my fingers. Both of their heads snap towards me so I'll shut up instead.

"Can we talk later. I'm headed to work right now but maybe later?" Mat asks and she nods to him.

"Yeah Yeah I'd really like that I'll swing by when you're closing" She proposes to him with a smile on her face and Matt agrees.

"Uhhhhh I'm sensing something more than that" I tease her and she hits my shoulder lightly.

"Excuse me. Caroline right" A girl asks behind us. "I'm looking for Tyler has any of you seen him?"

"No I'm afraid not but maybe try his home" I tell her and Caroline opens the door.

"I know you're lying" she says which is pretty ironic since I haven't seen Tyler all day.

"How is that one of your wolf tricks" Caroline questions her getting madder.

"Actually it is"

"Well I have a trick too" She tells them and shows them her vampire face before the guy shoot's her in the head. I get angry and glow my eyes at him but before I can react he slams my head on the window knocking me out cold.

I wake up to the sound of someone talking .d then someone screams.

"I see you got the bullet out. That was nasty. I got lots of wooden bullets, other toys. It's gonna be a long night, sweet pea" I near a guy's muffled voice and then someone screams. I open my eyes to see Caroline screaming.

"Well look who's awake let's see if you also have supernatural healing since I doubt glowing eyes are a thing these days" je says and shoots me in the leg. I scream out in pain and put my hand over my leg. Last time I got shot Damon was there to tell me it will be alright but it's not none of this is alright.

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