A few Good men

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We drive to the boarding house and walk up the stairs to Stefan's room.

"Stefan" Elena calls him.

"Better me" Damon says coming from the bathroom. Without his shirt. God he looks so good. Put that though away you're just friend Rose. It's not like he's interested in you. I'm right I shouldn't be thinking about how good he looks without his shirt on. Friends don't do that.

"You look" Elena starts to say since my throat is not recovered. God I miss vampire blood just about now.

"Dashing. Gorgeous. Iresistible." He says and smirks.

"Wrecked. You wrecked" she answers and nudge her bit.

"No reason. Do you know that I'm Mystic Falls most eligible bachelors" he says and try to laugh but nothing comes out of my mouth except a strong couch that burns my throat again.

"What happened to you Rosie" he asks his voice imediatly softens from drunk to half decent.

"We went to Trudie's to see what she knew about Isobel. And she knows about vampires and whatever Rose is" Elena tells him.

"What? How? We don't even know what she is" he says clearly pissed at her.

"She didn't invite us in but she served vervain tea which doesn't harm Rose but the moment she tasted it she started to cough violently and spit it out. Her throat is sore now" Elena explains and Damon bites into his wrist and shows it to me. I try to resist but he gives me a look and sight. I take a bit of his blood. Just enough to heal me.

"Feeling better?" I nod.

"Yeah much. Thank you" I say.

"Why were you coughing?" He asks me.

"The moment I it touched my throat I felt like it was melting from inside. It was like someone was burning it from inside out." I say to him remembering the pain from earlier.

"That's what happens to vampire when we thouch vervain it burns our skin" he says.

"But vervain didn't effect me before and we know I'm not one" I say.

"Then it has to be your weakness. Like us vampires have vervain the you an angel this flower has to be your weakness. Do you remember what it tasted like?" He asks but I shake my head. "Or maybe smelled?"

"The vervain was really strong in it but there was this sweet smell at first" I say but I don't remember it exactly. He walks to the mirror and attempts to button his T-shirt but he's not successful.

"Help a guy out I can't get this" He says and laugh a little and walks closer to him and start to button it up.

"So we found out that she is our birth mom" I say and he looks down at me.

"Who cares. She left you. She sucks." He tells us and I hear someone come into the room.

"Stefan. There you are" Elena says and walks closer to him.

"Ughhh I need a bigger jacket" Damon groans.

"Maybe and occasional sorority girl will fix it" he says and walks away. I'm left with Stelena love couple in his bedroom. Awesome.

"He's fine" she just states.

"He's Damon"

"You know maybe this hearth break will be good for him. At least it will remind him that he has one even if it doesn't beat" she fumes angrily and I let out a little chuckle.

"Won't hold my breath" Stefan replies with humor.

"So we went to see Trudie. We didn't really plant it but she knows Stefan, and more than she was telling. She knows whatever winged supernatural thing I am" I say to him and he looks shocked. He hands us a picture and we look at it. Isobel.

Ambrosia Gilbert~ His Angel Where stories live. Discover now