8|~•~162 candles ~•~

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Rose's Pov

"We'll meet you guys at the car" Elena said. The sheriff brought us in today in questioning because of Vicky.

"Are you okay?" Stefan asks us.

"I don't think the sheriff suspected anything Jeremy only knew what Damon made him know" I say and Elena nods.

"Thank you" he says.

"I can't do this Stefan. Everytime I look at Jeremy and Matt all I can think about is that Vicky's never gonna come back and they'll never know why. Around you people get hurt and people die. I can't it's just too much" Elena says to Stefan.

"Why don't we go somewhere and talk about" He suggests.

"No Stefan you have tp stay away from me and Rose" Elena says and drags my hand with her.

"I'll meet you at home okay" I say and she nods.

"Hey wanna talk about it while sitting on a park bench might help you feel better?" I ask Stefan and he smiles a bit. We find a bench and I start.

"So I'm sorry but you know it's just been a lot and then Vicky died and Jeremy was back to Emo phase" I say.

"Yeah I completely understand" He says but he has a sad face.

"Why the sad face, bunny hunter" I say and he chuckles.

"Nothing anyway today's my birthday and one of my best friends decided to drop in. Wanna come to the boarding house?" he asks and I nod and get off the park bench. We arrive at the boarding house and a girl pops up.

"Hey" I greet her.

"Look I know you're immortal and all the angelic thing about it but you really should have texted me before showing up at my best friends doorstep. It's good to see you Lau" She says and walks over to hug me. Out of instinct I hug her back but I full of confusion.

"Lexi not to break it to you but that's Ambrosia Gilbert not Laura"  Stefan says and she pulls back.

"I'm sorry you're just really familiar I thought you were someone else" She says and apologizes."I'm Lexi by the way nice to meet you so did you convince Stefan to go to a party at the grill?" She asks and I turn to Stefan who looks like he's cursing Lexi in his mind.

"Stefan can have fun that's a new one" I say with humor and Lexi high fives me.

"Yeah he once got drunk on the Statue of liberty and then when we were visiting the Trevi fountain he jumped there without his shirt" Lexi says and Steff has a scolding look.

"Well there's a fountain in the town square if you want to relive that's experience" I say and he glares at me before laughing.

"Anyway it was nice meeting you Lexi but I have to go home or Lena will be worried" I say and get home to see Jeremy doing homework.

"Is Jeremy Gilbert really doing homework or am I in a parallel universe?" I ask him and he just looks at me, if looks could kill.

"Go ahead have your fun Jenna, and Elena already had theirs" He say and I just laugh and go upstairs to find Bonnie closing all the windows.

"What's going on?" I ask and step inside the room closing the door behind. She rips Elena's pillow.

"Hey wha-" She starts to say but Bonnie cuts her off."Be patient"

"Okay" she says and throws the feathers on to the blanket and I sit near Elena.

"I need you to swear to secrecy" Bonnie says.

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