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We get to the house after talking with Stefan.

"Jena could you help us" Elena shouts and I see Jenna looking at us.

"What happened?" She asks and Elena sets me down on the couch.

"We we're in the cemetery than there was this mystery guy and Rose tripped and she cut her leg." Lena explains. Jena runs of gets back with the first aid kid while I throw my head at the pillow. I hate when I hurt myself, cause that would mean we have to go to the ER and then needles could be involved and I can't stand it. Jenna sits near me and has the cotton in her hand.

"Rose it would help a lot if you stopped moving" She says. Elena goes behind and starts to stroke my hair. It usually helps to take my off of whatever is happening.

"Sorry but it just stinks as hell" I tell her and move my leg again a bit. After a few minutes of torture with that thing she bandages it up. After a while we got ready.

"Okay Aunt Jenna we're going out" Elena yelled.

"Okay have fun. Wait. I got this don't stay out to late" she says.

"Good, Aunt Jenna getting good" I reply to her and clapping my hands. She just rolls her eyes. I hear the doorbell ring and went to answer it.

"Ohh hey Stefan"

"Hey Rosie, I just wanted to return you these" He says and holds both of our diares.

"Don't worry I didn't read it" he says casually.

"Why? most people would" I tell him.

"I wouldn't want anyone to read mine" he tells me slowly.

"Would you like to join us" Elena asks as she sees who I'm talking to.

"Yeah sure" He answers. We arrived at the grill and everyone was asking Stefan questions. Me and Elena play pool and than later we go home to change for the bonfire.


We we're at the bonfire when I saw Lena talking to Bonnie.

"So where is he?" Bonnie asks.

"I don't know you're the psychic one" Elena tells.

"Psychic that's a new one" I tell them.

"Yeah grams can't stop talking about it,she says our ancestors were witches from Salem." She tells me.

"That's cool" I add to the conversation." If you're psychic you should have a ball" I tell her grab the nearest empty bottle and hand it to her she gets and has a gostly expression.

"Weird I could swear I just saw you in full white"

"Like wedding?" I ask.

"No I'm mean white hair, white dress and white shoes" she tells me.

"Someone had too much to drink" I tell her.She goes to get another drink and Elena turns around and screams a bit,I turn around and see Stefan.

"Hey" He says.

"Hi" She says to him in her scared tone.

"I'm sorry I did it again didn't I?" He asks. Lena nodded while I was catching my breath.

"Rosie you're okay?" He asks referring to my leg.

"Yeah,yeah I'm fine" I tell him which isn't a complete lie but the truth either.

"You're upset about something" He says to Elena.

"It's just Bonnie, but never mind you're here" She says to him and I cant help to chuckle a bit.

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