12|~•~The Descent~•~

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Last night was eventful we got Stefan out of the tomb but unfortunately Rose got bitten.If there was one good thing that came out of yesterday it's that now Kathrine's stuck in the tomb. Apparently originals can compel vampires so now she's stuck in the tomb.

"How is it?" She asks Damon who positively answers.

"Definitely...better. Right, Ambi?" I walk in to the room and see Rose's bite well that's not good. That thing is fatal to vampires as I heard.

"Um, it's not bad" I answer trying to sound as confident as I can be. I can't lie.

"Where's Stefan?" Damon asks about his little brother.

"He left. I need you to talk to him.Elena said that he's convinced that he has to find Isobel but I think that's gonna upset Elijah"

"No, can do. I'm with Stefan on this one but if you could play nurse for a little while..." Responds Damon and motions towards Rose.

"It's not necessary" Rose quickly responds.

"It is necessary. Rosie is a do-gooder. It's in her nature, she just can't resist" Damon insists and leaves the room. I look at Rose for a second, then follow Damon out of the room.

"Damon. Is she gonna die?" I ask him quietly

"Probably. The wolf bite caused some kind of infection and it's getting worse." Tells me Damon sadly. I can see it's hurting him to see Rose like this.

"Like poison?"Confused about this I ask him.

"I don't know, Ambi. I'm not an expert in the field." He says with a little anger in his voice.

"I'm sorry" I tell him sincerely feeling bad for the girl.

"Death happens. We come, we go. Sooner she dies the better. It's gloomy as hell in here." Damon says and walks away. And he's back to pretending he's emotionless.

I walk Rose into Damon's room. I know he wouldn't mind so why not. I help her to the bed and she starts complaining.

"I hate this. I'm a vampire, I haven't had a cold in five centuries" Rose complains.

"Just get in bed" I tell the vampire girl who still continues.

"We don't get sick. When we die, it's fast and sudden and it's certainly not drawn out in illness"

"You're not gonna die" I assure her and look around the room.

"Such a human thing to say" she tells me jokingly and I smile.
I take a book from his shelf and look at it. Gone with the Wind.

"Not what you expected?" Rose tells me and jokes.

"It's just a room with a bed. Maybe I expected there to be silk sheets" I try to lighten the mood and both of us smile.

"You're lucky, you know. No one's ever love me the way you're loved" Tells me the vampire and frown confused before answering.

"I doubt that"

"Trevor was my best friend. Nothing more. I spent all those years on the run from Elijah. I just never thought it was a good idea to set up roots. The whole idea of family is not exactly compatible with being a vampire. Why are you and your sister so eager to give up?" She asks with confusion written all over her face.

"I'm not giving up on anything. Here." I say and give her a glass of blood.

"What do you call this whole deal with Elijah?"

"I call it my best option" I simply answer and she looks at me.

" It's your easiest option" she corrects me.

Ambrosia Gilbert~ His Angel Where stories live. Discover now