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Later that night I get the awesome idea to play pool with people there and it's safe to say I'm beating them hard.I win another round of pool table and I hear my phone ringing.

"Jenna hey" I say with a happy tone. I may have had another couple of shots.

"Rose hey where are you?" She asks me sounding very worried. True I haven't been home since last night and it's night again. Damn I'm in big trouble.

"Wait it's loud in here" I tell her and put my jacket it on and go outside.

"I can't hear you wait" I say as I go outside but I trip and drop my phone. " Hello" I ask again but some guy comes behind me takes me somewhere behind the building. I try to fight him or scream but he has a hand over my mouth he compels me and I see Damon.

"Damon.No." I shout at him but it's too late. The man starts beating him with a metal rod. He then spills gasoline all over him.

"NO" I scream at him and he turns around his face is all vamped out.

"Who are you?" Damon asks him from the floor.

"That's perfect you have no idea" he tells us while circling Damon like a hunter would with his prey

"What are you talking about. What did he do?" I ask him.

"He killed my girlfriend" he says and I stop. Well when your over 100 and vampire you tend to kill someone right?.

"What did she do to you huh what did she do?" He ask as he keeps spilling the gasoline.

"Nothing" Damon answers him.

"What happened I don't understand" I scream at him.

"My girlfriend went to visit Stefan and Damon killed her got it" he says and clicks to me. Lexi.

"Lexi. Lexi was your girlfriend. She told me about you she said that you were human" I say to him and he stops doing what he was.

"I was" he tells me and gets out a lighter. No. Come on think Rosie.

"She turned you" I say and he nods but doesn't stop. I need to stop him. He can't kill him I won't let him.

"If you want to be with someone forever you gotta live forever" he answers and kicks him again.

"She loved you. She said that when it's real you can't walk away" I tell him trying to reason with him but the guy is so hell bent on killing him that I don't even know what I'm supposed to think anymore.

"Well that's a choice you're not going to make" he says and steps closer to him.

"Don't. Please don't hurt him" I plea to him but he lights it up anyway. Why won't he listen to me.

"I'm doing you a favor" he says.

"Lexi loved you and she was good so you're good too. Be better than him. Don't do this. I'm begging you, please" I say and I feel tears running down my face. His face vamps out again and lifts Damon's body off the ground and throws him into the wooden wall 10 meters from us.

"Thank you" I say and his face goes back to normal.

"It wasn't for you" he says before running away and quickly rush to Damon and help him up. I have a hand on his back and he takes a few seconds to heal.


"So why did you bring me with you?" I ask him.

"Well you're not the worst company in the world Rose you should give yourself more credit" he says.

"Seriously?" I say with a smile.

"You were in the road all damsel in the distress like and you're not the worst company in the world Rose" he says.

Ambrosia Gilbert~ His Angel Where stories live. Discover now