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Damon's Pov
When I step out of the shower I noticed Rose wasn't on the bed and that a photo of Laura from 1864 was thrown on to the bed. Damn it. Should have told her sooner. I'm running frantically around trying to find her and then I see a wrecked car and hear Rose scream as guy approaches her. When he sees me he imediatly runs away and go to help her.

"Hey, how you doing in there?" I ask Rose as I try to get her out while she still scream.

"Damon?" Rose asks with a weak and scared voice.

"You look stuck" I say and try to flip the car but it doesn't move and she starts to panic.

"It's the seatbelt I'm stuck I can't I can't" Rose starts to say going almost into panic attack mode.

"Hey shh shh I'm going to get you of here. I want you to put your hands on the roof" I tell her but she speaks up before.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She demands from me and I know exactly what she means.

"I'm sorry I wanted to but first time we got inturopted and then there wasn't a right time. Now I want you to carefully put you hands on the roof" I say and see her extending one of hands and panic a little a bit.

"Damon I can't move my arm. Damon I can't move it. Ohhhhh God. I can't move it" she starts to panic so I try to crawl to her as best as I can to comfort her. I'm a few inches away from her.

"Hey Rosie. Hey it's okay. It's alright. Now put the healthy arm on the roof and try to support yourself okay?" I say to her with a calm tone and she nods and does like I told her. I quickly rip the seat belt and get her out. She's sitting across from me on the road and I look at her right arm to see that the shoulder is slightly dislocated. "Damn it" I curse under my breath, gently trying to touch her shoulder but she winces back.

"Rose, your shoulder is slightly dislocated. I have to put it back okay?"I state and she looks at me with wide eyes I reach my hand to her shoulder but she pulls back afraid. I move a little closer to her.

"Hey it's alright it will only hurt a bit okay I promise you little flower" I try to calm her down. While stroking a bit of her hair on the side of her face. I hear her breathing gets more under control. "That's it, that's okay, deep breaths, alright, deep breaths" I tell her while moving my hand up to her arm. She looks down at my hand on hers and starts to breath heavily again. "Okay. 1.....2.....3" As I say the number 3 I quickly snap it back and embrace Rose in my arms as she silently cries. "Hey it's alright, it's over, come on drink a little" I say and give her some of my blood. She passes out quickly after, and I put her in my car.

Rose's Pov
I slowly start to wake up and look around frantically. I'm in a car. Why am I in a car? I look beside to see Damon smiling at me.

"Morning" he greets.

"Where are we?" I ask as I try to remember what happened.

"Georgia"he answers.

"No seriously Damon where are we" I ask him again.

"Seriously we're in Georgia" he tells me with a straight face. "Are you alright?" He asks looking at me and I look over myself.

"I uh" I try to get something out of me.

"There's no broken bones I checked and your shoulder should be just fine by now" he tells me and I remember last night. I hit someone.

"My car. I hit a man and then he just got up? Who was that man?" I asks.

"That's what I would like to know" he says.

"Where's my phone. We really need to go back. Nobody knows where I am. Damon pull over" I say and there's silence." I mean it Damon stop the car" I say fiercely and he groans and starts to pull to the side of the road.

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