5|~•~You're undead to me~•~

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Damon's Pov
I wake up in the cellar. I'm really weak and I can barely move or speak. I see Stefan come on in through the bars, then I notice my ring isn't on it's place.

"Where's......my ring" I choke out.

"Won't be needing it anymore" He says to me and shake around the bed to get up but I'm too weak.

"How long....have....I been here?" I ask him weakly. Everything in my body just hurts even to speak.

"3 days" he answers. No no no no that can't be right. God I kissed her what was I thinking she's my friend and I just left for 3 days. She has to me now.

"No,no no" I begin to say while groaning."What are you doing?" I ask Stefan wanting figure out his game.

"During the dark ages when a vampire's actions threatened to expose and bring harm on the entire race. They would face judgement. They saw to reeducate them rather than punish them" Is he trying to change me. He knows better than anyone you can't change a vampire's nature.

"You know what will happen if........ I don't feed on blood" I tell him hoping he'll realize his mistakes.

"You'll grow weaker and weaker and eventually won't bw able to move or speak in a weak your skin will desiccate and you'll mummify. A living corpse unable to hurt anyone ever" He tells sternly.

"You're just gonna leave me in the basement..... forever" I ask him because if not I may still have a chance with Rise after I rip his throat out for locking me here.

"I've injected you with enought vervain to keep you calm and once your circulation stops, I'll move you to the family crip and in 50 years we'll evaluate" That's his masterplan lock me up and wake me up when he sees fitting.

"I'm stronger then you" I tell as I try to get up but I fail.

"Yes you always have been but you're not stronger than the vervain, and we both know it. I'm sorry didn't have to be this way" he tells me and deep down I know he's right.

Rose's Pov

I wake up expecting at least a text message from him but nothing. He just left me there in the woods what if something happened to me. I'm angry with him but then I'm sad too.

"Jenna are you aware What's going upstairs" Elena asks.

"Yop" she answer while still looking at the newspaper.

"And you have no objection?" Elena asks and get myself ready for breakfast.

"He could be craftier about it at least make effort to sneak her in and out, and just so you know I won't be home for dinner" She says and Elena lights up. I don't see why is she soo happy.

"So you're going out with Logan" She says while teasing Jenna.

"No she's gonna go there to torture him" I tell her and keep my head down while finishing the cereals.

"Yes" Jenna says and give her a thumbs up."So what about the guy that asked to meet him at the grill still no sign?" She asks and I nod to her and she turns back to Elena.

"Anyway moving on to the next boy trouble. Have you heard from Stefan" she asks her.

"Not since he left that very vague message. Hi uhh Elena I uhhh have uhh something to do I uhh explain in a uhh a few days"she says.

"Well your's at least left a message. Mine just kissed me and then vanished from the face of the earth" I tell to the girls and start to walk out of the house and to the school.

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