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"Y/n~ wake up~ I know I'm comfortable and all that but I really have to go pee and I don't wanna make you fall off the bed."


"Y/n you're squishing me."

"Ups...what time is it?"

"I don't know. But I really have to go to the bathroom so get up."

"Okay...I'm up. You can go do your things."

"Thank you and good morning!" he says getting up and patting my head.

"Watch out for the crazy lady."

"Sure will. I suggest you also get ready."


"Don't fall asleep."

"I won't, I won't. Maybe."

"Alright see you!"


With that he rushed out of my room to get to his. There was no way I was actually gonna fall back to sleep cause I did end up on the floor.

"Morning Milo."

"I've been up for hours."

"Really? How so?"

"One of you started snoring."


"No I'm pretty sure my ears work completely fine."

"Neither of us snore so..."

"Then somebody else did."

"Okay...I'm gonna go get ready."

Afterwards I went downstairs to have breakfast. Camilo was already at the table with Aria all over him.

"Camilo~! Where were you last night?! I looked for you everywhere!"

"Oh, sorry Aria, I was with Antonio. You know, I had some big brother...things...to do..."

"You could have told me! I barely slept because of how worried I was!"

"Yeah, sorry. Won't happen again."

"Hey Aria. That's my seat."

"Huh? Well I don't care. You can sit next to somebody else. I want to sit next to Camilo."


During this small talk, Camilo was giving me a death glare. I guess that is what he gets for taking up all the space in the bed.

I ended up sitting next to Mirabel which ended up being really fun. She talks a lot, but not like other people. She's actually entertaining to listen to and also funny.

"So, Y/n, wanna hang out today?"

"Sure! I'd love that! Plus, Camilo could use some time alone with his new friend."

"I'm sure he does. Well then, I'll get my chores done, and then we can spend the rest of the day together! Sounds good?"

"Perfect! See you then!"


We both left the table to get our things done. While she had chores I had to find a way to sneak Carlos into my room. Or just get him out of the walls somehow.

I waited for the whole family to get to work and when the hallway was empty I made my move. When I pushed the frame away I was surprised to see the grumpy boy already waiting for me there.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Oh yeah! Totally. I mean, who doesn't like a rock hard floor for a bed? Geez, I'm such a fan!"

Prophecy / Camilo Madrigal x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now