Chapter 1: Lovely Weather in this Cell

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Notes: Its been a LONG while since I've been on Wattpad! decided to upload my story on here as well!

Please no shipping of any way shape or form, this is all purely platonic and if you were stuck in space all alone for god knows how long you would also want some form of contact or affection.

Update: This is the newly Edited Chapter!
Edited: 5/21/2023


There was a time where Tommy used to love watching the sky. With its brilliant sunsets, and spiraling blanket of countless stars that he could never remember the names of. He remembered trips, walks, and hikes where he would travel far from the bright lights of the city so that he could stare up at those shimmering star lights without the pollution clouding his vision.

Even now he wished he could see them, not the strange twists of foreign light he saw so infrequently now, no he wanted to see that familiar night sky from earth. With his feet solidly on the ground.

While he'd always loved to SEE the night sky, and watch films involving its vast expanse, he had never actually wanted to GO to space. He had been more than content on the solid surface of his home world, where everything was familiar. The sprawling forest near his home city, the alleys, stores, shops, and that one old lady in the bakery named Clementine. Clem who always gave him free pastries when he dropped by. Those woods with their familiar scent of sticky sap, and the thick scent of the earth beneath his feet. The smell of his home. All of that was gone now, his whole world light years away, just because he wanted to look at the stars he'd been staring at for 15 years. Replaced by a new set of stars for another series of years, but not by choice.

Yea that's right, looking at the stars had given him new ones to look at, because Big Man Tommyinnit? Yea, looking at the stars had gotten him kidnapped, and not by some creeps in the woods no. Tommyinnit would never be taken down by such normal means, no Tommy had gotten kidnapped by aliens.

And so at the wondrously mature age of 17 while watching the stars, Tommyinnit the Biggest of all Men got himself kidnapped by aliens. Brilliant, truly.

Still he will admit this latest cell is kinda cool. Well it was bland like most cells obviously, but it also wasn't white or gray like human jails cells. It was a sort of cream peach color lit by a warm dull orangish light, a warm light that kept the only other interesting thing in the cell alive. Flowers hung in a strange sort of lattice across the ceiling, they were a deep almost red pink, and every once in a while they'd release a yellowish spore like dust into the room. Which, while the stuff seemed to make him sneeze a lot and smells slightly of how he imagined chloroform would smell, were more annoying than anything else. He had the oddest feeling though that they were probably supposed to do more than that, mostly based on what the weird aliens who'd kidnapped him had done when they'd first checked on him after they'd thrown him in here. Cause when he'd woken up after that encounter and nearly broken the door down, the aliens who'd been on the other side of the glass door watching him had seemed both extremely surprised and downright terrified.

It was especially funny for him when a pair of the stupid aliens had come in with cattle prod looking things in hand (Which rude! He isn't a cow, besides even if he was, cows deserve better than that honestly), only to immediately pass out. Apparently that's what the flower things were for and unlike him they weren't immune. Hah! Take that wimps another win for big man Tommyinnit!

Like seriously. A flower knocked them out? He's heard of flowers on earth being used as herbs and teas n' shit. But to knock people effectively out? Weak!

A few other alien's dragged their bodies out minutes later just when Tommy was getting bored enough to start poking the unconscious ones, but these other alien's were apparently smarter and were wearing some weird gas mask so as to not immediately drop dead. Actually did the spores kill them? He hadn't really been able to tell if they had been breathing or not. They look so... weird. Freakishly tall and bony, with skin a porcelain white, perfectly smooth round heads, with different numbers and styles of horns, no faces, deadly looking claws, and joints that aren't actually connected and just sorta....float. Basically over all they were some pretty eldritch looking things.

Who said family is blood? (Alien SBI and Human Tommyinnit fic)Where stories live. Discover now