Chapter 1

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Max's POV:
Me and my beta are at the airport waiting to board the plane to Virginia where we have to meet with another Alpha who happens to be living on the military base that my beta Carson's little brother Luke is heading to for the last of his training before he goes off to war.
"Luke, why aren't you riding with us in first class again?" I asked.
"Alpha I have told you this like a hundred times because I am riding with my commander." Luke replied.
"You mean the girl that you couldn't stop bragging to me about when you came back from basics." Carson joked with him.
"Yeah, actually she is going to be the leader of our mission and she could take either of you out anyday of the week." Luke said seriously.
As we walked in to the airport I caught the most amazing scent I have ever smelt, so I told the boys, "Do you guys smell that?"
"I don't smell anything out of the ordinary Max, why what do you smell?" Carson replied.
"I think my mate is here somewhere."
"Then go find her man and tell me all about her on the plane." Carson said.
Then I left the boys following the scent. It lead my to the women's restroom, so I waited for her to come out.
When she came out I grabbed her and pinned her to the wall and said, "MATE"
She then took my arms and throw them off of her and walked away as I heard the last call for my flight. She went and grabbed her bag then we both went to the same gate. When we got to the gate she then turned around and said, "I know you are my mate and all but I don't need a mate right now. I can't have a mate right now, but give me your phone." I gave her my phone asking, "What are you doing?"
"Putting my number in your phone of course just because I can't be focused on a mate right now doesn't mean we still can't talk. Text me so I have your number and I will make sure to call you by the end of the week. Also the names Lucy by the way." With that she gave me my phone back and turned and walked away. It was then that I realized she was wearing the same military uniform as Luke. Then I boarded the plane and sat next to my beta and best friend. As soon as I sat down Carson turned and said, "So did you find her? "
"Yeah I got her first name and number."I looked at phone and saw that she also put a picture of herself with her number that you could see her last name on the uniform. "And I guess her last name since it's in the picture she put with her number."
Carson then said, "So what did she say to you that has you upset man?"
"She said she knows we are mates, but she does need and can't focus on a mate right now, but that she would call me by the end of the week." I replied.
"That's weird because that is basically same thing that Luke said. That if he doesn't see me around the base since that's were the Alpha we is meeting is, that he would call me by the end of the week and let me know where him and his team are being shipped off to. Hey man, so what's our future Luna's name?"
"Her name is Lucy Black." I said.
As soon as the name left my mouth Carson put his hand over his mouth shaking his head. I then said, "What is it Carson?"
"It can't be the same person." Is all Carson said in reply.
"Carson what do you mean it can't be the same person do you know who my mate is?" I asked getting annoyed.
"Can I see the picture on your phone?" He said. So I showed him the picture and his face got pale.
"Carson man it looks like you have seen a ghost what is it?"
"I know who your mate is and you should too if you have been listen, but by the amount of times you asked Luke why he wasn't riding with us I am guessing you tuned him out everytime he has talked about the military?!"
"Yeah maybe why?" I said.
"The commander he has been bragging about since he got back from basics and his team leader for his first tour, her name his commander Lucy Black."
"What your telling me I just met my mate and she could be killed next week"
"Yeah basically but from what Luke has said I don't think so this will be her fourth tour, so she knows how to survive that is probably why she is saying she can't focus on a mate right now because she wants to be focused so she can survive and come back to you man."
"That's crazy. How long did Luke say their tour is?"
"6 months they leave end of the week."
"So I just met my mate and won't see her again for at least another 6 months if ever again."
"Man don't think like that. Also we will deboard before Luke and Lucy and Luke told me that the team he is on has a tradition when greeting there commander at the airport so we can stay and watch that and follow them to the base since that is where we are going anyway."
"True that's a good idea thanks for keeping my brain go from going crazy."

Marines Mate Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon