Chapter 11

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Max's POV:
It has been about a week since we got the call that Lucy and her team had been captured. This morning was the first morning that I woke up not screaming. I went down to the kitchen for breakfast. And Hailey asked me, "You alright Max."
"Yeah, I am this is the first morning I haven't woke up screaming there is just a faint pain." I said.
"That's good."
Then my phone starts ringing and it is General Conners.
I yelled, "Everyone Conners is calling."
With that everyone came to the kitchen and I answered the phone and said, "Hi General. Do you have information on Lucy and her team? Also you are on speaker with mine and Luke's families."
"Ok, good. Yes I have news for you guys." Then Hailey cuts him off, "What is it?"
"Mam am if you wouldn't interrupt me. I would tell you."
"It's fine. This morning the whole team was rescued. They are all alive, and in a hour will be being transported to the hospital here in Virginia. So I have made accommodations for you guys to come here to see Luke and Lucy."
"Thank you. That is such a relief."
"Ok see you all later." With that Conners hung up.
"Me and your mom will stay here and run the pack you go. Get your mate and bring her back. Can't wait to meet her." Dad said.
"Thank you dad. See you guys when we get back."
With that we all went and grabbed bags of clothes and headed to the airport. The flight that normally didn't seem super long seemed to take ages. When we finally reached Virginia, Conners met us at the airport and brought us to the hospital. When we got to the hospital Carson and his parents headed to Luke's room, while I headed to Lucy's. When I got close I heard Lucy laughing and saying, "You should of heard Hunter's voice when they came in the room."
"Hey, Can you blame me being worried you looked horrible and you literally collapsed." Some guy I am guessing was Hunter.
"Yeah Lucy can you really blame him." A girl said laughing.
Then I knocked on the door and four heads turned to me. Then Lucy said, "Max, come in and I know you will want to hug me but don't. The doctors already had to reset Rose's arm from her running in her and hugging me. "
"Ok. From the pain I have felt in the past week. I can only imagine your injuries."
"Oh, yeah. I should probably introduce everyone." Lucy said laughing. As I went and sat in the chair next to her bed.
"Guys this is Max my mate. Max that is Rose and Jack. And that dumby standing in the corner now awkward since you came in is Hunter he is the head of the rescue team that got us out of there."
"Thanks, Hunter, for bringing her back."
"No problem, man. I am going to go bye, guys." With that, Hunter left.
After that, Lucy turned to me and smiled. Then she used her good hand and pulled my head up to hers and kissed me. When we pulled apart, Jake said, "Really Lucy. Why do you have to do that with us in the room."
Lucy's response was to flip him off and say, "You wouldn't get it. For one, you haven't found your mate. For two, hopefully, when you do, you won't have only have a week with them and then really think you won't ever see them again."
"Yeah, Jack, she's right if we were at home right now, and you said that do you really think either of our moms would have not slapped you in the back of the head." Rose said. Making us all laugh. Then Rose turned to Lucy and said, "You would have been to for not telling us you found your mate chica."
"Yeah, I know those women are crazy, but they are your guy's moms, so that makes yall crazy too."
Lucy said.
"Hey, Lucy, where are your parents?" I asked. Then Jack and Rose paled like I asked the wrong question.
Lucy turned to them and said, "It's fine. He doesn't know. I haven't told him." Then she turned to me and continued, "My parents are dead. My mom died giving birth to me and my dad couldn't cope with losing his mate and killed himself a week later. The people who raise me were my uncle's, but for Rose and Jack to be here they had to stay back and run the pack for their kids."
"I am so sorry." I said.
"It is fine. Rose, Jack, see you in the morning. I need some sleep." Lucy said.
"Ok, see you in the morning when you get that stupid cast off." Rose said.
Then they left, and a nurse came in and switched out Lucy's IV bag. After the nurse left, Lucy said, "Hey, can you come to the other side of me."
"Yeah, I can." I got up and sat in the chair Rose was just sitting in. Then I said, "If you want to sleep I can go."
"No, please stay."
"Ok, whatever you need."
"Hey you look like you have barely slept either in the past week. Are you tired?"
"Yeah, but I am good."
"You don't need to sleep in that chair. Come here you can share the bed with me." She said her voice shaking nervously.
"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you."
"Dumb dumb Why do you think I asked you to come to this side of me. The other side is my sprained wrist, casted leg, and broken ribs. But on this side as long as you don't touch my back you are good."
"Ok, but first I want to go check on Luke if that's alright and then I will come join you."
"Ok, but be fast and let me knew how he is."
With that I gave her forehead a kiss and went to check on Luke. When I got to Luke's room I knocked on the door. Carson came and answered it, "Come in man." I went in and Luke looked at me and asked, "How's Lucy?"
"She's bandaged and casted up, tired but good."
"Ok, good. I was really worried when she blacked out when the rescue team came in." He said.
"Yeah, I heard her messing with Hunter about how his voice sounded when she collapsed. When I was heading to her room. How are you man?"
"I am good my ribs hurt but that is the main thing. Lucy took the majority of the beatings. It probably wasn't smart that on the first day literally after the leader had cut her stomach. She made a comment about him thinking she was the weak link of her team. Which I think made it worse for her." Then all of us in the room laughed. And Luke looked at us like we lost our minds and asked, "What is funny about what I just said?"
Hailey answered him saying, "Oh it's just that on the day that we got the call that you guys were captured, and when Carson and Max were trying to calm me down Max said that the pain he felt acrossed his stomach that made him scream that she would have just made a smart ass comment to it."
Then Luke started laughing too, but stopped and said, "Ok, that is awesome, but please don't make me laugh that hurts."
"Ok, I am going to go back to Lucy. I just wanted to check on you Luke." I said.
I guess I had a smile on my face because Carson asked, "Why the big smile, man?"
"Am I smiling?"
"Yeah, you are?"
"Just the fact of being able to sleep next to my mate."
After I said that I left and went to Lucy's room. When I got to Lucy's room she was still awake. When I went in she asked, "How's Luke?"
"He's good he was worried about you though." I said.
"Before we go to bed can you help me over to the bathroom?"
"Yeah, of course."
Then I went to the left side of her bed and she threw her arm over my shoulder and I helped her into the bathroom then stood outside. When she was done, I helped her back to bed. When I climbed in next to her. She then laid down on her right side and placed her head on my chest. I looked down and she was out. Before I fell asleep she put her leg over mine and her arm over my chest. I smile down at her and kiss her head. Then went to sleep.

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