Chapter 15

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Lucy's POV:
It was finally the day I was going to the doctor for them to hopefully tell me my back was completely healed. Me and Max got up and headed to training. While I was training with Cole these two girls came up and one yelled, "Good, going Luke."
Me and Cole took a brake and I went and grabbed my water. The two girls came up to me. One said, "I am Sarah, Sam's twin and this is Sophie. You hold up really well against Cole. Where'd you learn to fight like that?"
"My old pack we all train our hardest and the Marines"
"Oh you are a marine do you know Luke?" Sophie said.
As she said that Luke came up behind me and said, "Sophie did you really just ask Lucy if she knows me."
"Oh your Lucy his commander?"
"Yep now I need to get going I have to go to the doctors today."
"Okay hopefully we will see you in two days at the lake party."
"Yeah you will bye."
Me and Max headed back to the house to shower and change. As we were walking to the pack hospital Max said, "The guy I scheduled you with is having his sister who is also a doctor there because he said she needs to see more battle wounds."
"You told him that they were battle wounds."
"Actually he asked after I told him your name."
"Oh ok." I said question who it might be.
When we got to the hospital and went in the receptionist said, "Hey Alpha, you must be Lucy. Come this way the doctors will be with you."
She showed us to a room. I jumped up on the bed. Only a few seconds later the door opened and the two doctors came in. One of them was a very formiliar face. After the girl shut the door I said, "Miles, man how have you been?"
He laughed, "Lucy I am the doctor. I am supposed to be asking you that. But I have been good. Also this is my sister Miley."
"How do you two know each other?" Max questioned.
"The military." I said in a duh tone.
"But he was Army and you were marnies."
"Hold up what does he mean you were?"
"I was discharged after this last tour. The whole team was. And to answer you question Max one of my tours we had a base camp with the Army and my mission was with an army team. And Miles was one of the camp medics."
"Oh ok that makes since I was just confused since you were different branches."
"Why were you discharged. I know why my brother was." Miley asked.
Miles jumped in and said, "You don't have to tell us if you don't want to."
"Your going to ask me anyway after you check what you need to anyway. My team was captured and we were tortured for a week before we were rescued."
"Everyone okay." Miles asked.
"Yeah Markus one of them you don't know ended up losing his arm because of infection, but besides that we are good."
"That's good. How's your leg?" Miles asked.
"Dude, that was years ago, man. It is good and just cause you asked me that, how have you been I know you lost friends that day."
"Can we not talk about that day, please?" Miles said.
"Yeah I don't need to be talking about it either." I said laughing.
Then Miley asked, "What is the check up we are doing today?"
"My back." I answered.
"Ok you will have to take your shirt off do you want Miles to go outside." Miley asked.
"He has treated me before he is fine and he will freak out less than you anyway. Also I have to take my bra off too." After I finished talking I took my shirt and bra off and turned around so they could see. I felt a hand go on my shoulder, and Miles said, "I am going to have to take the bandage off." As he does, I hear Miley squeal, "What in the world happened?"
"That's what happens when you're beat and wiped for hours twice a day for a week."
"Does this hurt?" Miles said.
I felt him put pressure in the middle of my back. "No, not at all." I answered.
"Ok, so it looks like you're going to have major scaring, but other than that, it looks to be completely healed." Miles said.
"Yeah!!" I yelled.
They all laughed at me, but I could see the look in Max's eyes as well.
"What? I was getting very tired on that stupid bandage?"
"Oh, that makes sense, but how happy you are is also funny." Miley said as I was putting my clothes back on.
"Ok, thanks, guys. We will get going." Max said.
"Miles, I know it brings back bad memories for both of us, but if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me."
"Thanks, Lucy. Same for you."
Then I went and gave Miles a tight hug I could tell he needed. Then me and Max left. He had to go run patrol before dinner, so I went and found Zoey.
She was in the living room with Luke, Sam, and Sarah. When I went in I asked them, "Do you guys want to go for a run? I was cleared by the docs and haven't been able to shift in a while."
"We can't we have to be heading home." Sam said.
"I have to help mom with dinner where's Max?"
"Max is running patrol. Luke you want to run?"
"Yeah sure I would love to see what your wolf looks like."
So we went outside and went behind trees and shifted. Luke's wolf had light brown fur. My wolf is Black with the tips of my ears and tail as well as my paws are a fire red. While we were on our run three wolves came up to us based on there sizes I am guessing it is Max Carson and a pack member. I could tell they were mindlinking with Luke. After a little bit the Grey almost silver wolf came up to me, nusling his nose in my fur from the sparks. I knew it was Max. After a while, we all headed back to the house and shifted back. And I was right the other wolves were Carson and Ace.
Ace then said, "Pretty wolf Lucy. Bye guys see you at training in the morning."
"I doubt you will see Max and Lucy." Carson said.
"Carson why do you say that?" Ace asked.
"Lucy being shifted means she was cleared by the doctors that her back is heal." Carson answered.
"Oh" was all Ace said as he turned and left.
Then the four of us came in for dinner. After we entered Hailey said, "Great for y'all to join us."
"Sorry when coming back we ran into Lucy and Luke on a run and got distracted." Carson said.
"Yeah, sorry I haven't been able to shift in so long I lost track of time."
"You going on a run? I am guessing you were cleared." Grant said.
"Yeah, and ran into an old friend."
"Who's your old friend?" Windy asked.
"One of your guy's pack doctors Miles."
"How do you know Miles?" Carson asked.
"He saved my life, when we served together."
"How'd y'all serve together your different branches? Also how'd he save your life?" Zoey asked.
"That tour my team was teamed with a Army team and we shared a base camp. And I told you the story of my leg he's the one that removed the shrapnel and one wrong move and I would have bled to death."
"Which tour was this? You never told us about that." Luke asked.
"You don't know the story because me, Blake, and Zach don't talk about that tour."
"Oh, so your second tour." Luke said.
"Yeah." As I said that all of a sudde,  I wasn't at the dinner table anymor.  I was back in Iraq watching people get blown to pieces by an IUD.
When I come back,  I feel Max's arms around me and him try to get my attention.
"Calm down, Max. I am back."
I hear Zoey say, "You didn't go anywhere."
"Maybe not physically, but mentally, I did."
"Are you okay?" Max asked.
"Yeah, I am good, but I need to call Blake."
With that I got up and went to the backyard and called Blake. When he answered he said, "Hey Luc."
"Hey Blake." I said my voice shaky.
"What's wrong Luc?"
"I ran into Miles today. And then was talking about it with Max and Luke's family at dinner a second ago. They asked how I knew him we were talking then I was back there."
"Are you okay? Also, how'd you run into Miles?"
"Miles is one of the pack doctors here, and he was the one that checked my back today. And I will be alright."
"You should probably go back to your dinner they are probably getting worried about you."
"You really think I can eat after that Blake, really."
"I never said you have to eat. Just go be with your mate."
"Yeah, but they will probably keep asking if I am okay or ask about what happened. What am I supposed to do then?"
"If you want, you can just tell them ptsd, and if they keep questioning, that's when you leave the dinner table."
"Ok, thank you, Blake. I needed that."
"You're welcome, Lucy. If you need anything, let me know. Bye."
"Bye." With that, I hung up and went back in and sat back at the table. They all stayed quiet like they didn't know how to eat. A few minutes later, Max asked, "Why aren't you eating?"
"I can't."
"Why can't you eat?" Windy asked.
"Because I lost my appetite."
"How'd you lose your appetite?" Hailey asked.
"PTSD." I sna, ped leaning into Max's arms.
"Oh ok." Hailey said like she didn't know what to say back.
"Are you ok?" Luke asked.
"I will be. I am headed to bed."
Max followed me up to our room. After we changed, we sat together on the bed. I turned to him and said, "I guess Carson was wrong. We will be at training."
He laughed, "I guess so, but you don't have to if you don't want to."
"I need to, but I might take Luke and anyone else that wants to go and leave early and go to the gun range."
"I think they all will want to see your skills."
"True, I will bring both my cases in case any of them want to learn to shoot."
With that, we laid down and cuddled together, and I braced myself for the nightmares.

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