Chapter 7

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Max's POV:
"Ok so what if we aren't close to the base yet. Can't I want to spend the little bit of time that I have with my mate." Lucy said with a big smile on her face that looked so pretty.
"Well when you put it that way I get why you wanted to get them to hang up." I said.
"Ok, before we walk in the rest of the way back to base just enjoying each others company. You want to help me with something?" Lucy asked.
"Maybe. Depend what it is?" I answered.
"Have you ever wanted to tie Luke up?" Lucy asked.
"Maybe but what does that have to do with anything?" I asked.
"I want to test their reaction time to see if they sleep light enough to know if someone in trying to capture them, but if you help the you will be tied and have to go through the next part with us. Also depending on their reactions you may get hurt." Lucy said.
"Yeah sure, but what is the next part though." I asked.
"Torture." Lucy said with a straight face.
"What!" I almost yell.
"Shhhhhhh we will be put through torture to see how much they can take it." Lucy said.
"Oh ok I guess I will do it." I said.
"Ok the general is one that is helping with the tortue so once he sees you he will tell the other to go easier on you since you are a civilian." Lucy said.
With that we just got quiet and walked back to base. When we got back to base, I gave her a kiss on her forehead. Which made her give me an evil eye, but it didn't hide her blush and smile. We the went into base she snuck in the tent grabbed the ropes and said, "Start on bottom those are Luke and Markus they should have the slowest reactions and don't do anything if you hear me scream because I am starting with Blake then Zach since they will be the hardest to get."
"Ok be safe."I said.
With that we headed into their tent, and I went to Luke first, and she went to Blake. I felt a pain in my side but Luke was still out and was tied up so it must have been Lucy's pain I am feeling.
Then I went and tied Markus he didn't even move at all making me roll my eyes then I hear someone say, "turn around before we blow both your heads off" I turn and see Blake with a gun to Lucy's head and Zach with a gun to mine. Then Lucy said, "Good job you two our first tours are goners though so make sure they sleep in the middle during the mission."
The boys lower their guns and put them back under their pillows and then these three guys come in before I could ask Lucy if she was alright and put a gag on our mouths and tied us up and Lucy and her team just let them. This must be what she meant when she said if you help you better be willing for the next part. Then we were all thrown into a truck and drove somewhere.
Once we were taken out of the truck, we were taken in to a building, and tied to chairs. Then Alpha Conners came in when he saw me he looked at one of the other boys in the room and said, "Untie him and bring him back to base. He doesn't need to be here."
The guy he was talking to came untied me and brought me to were me and Carson were supposed to be staying. I went and laid on my bed. Carson woke up and looked at me and asked, "What is going on?"
"Torture training." Is all I said in response. Carson just stared at me like I lost my mind.
"What?!" He yelled at me.
"Lucy and her team are doing a train on what to do if they get captured and tortured. Also Luke sleeps really heavy I literally tied him up and he never woke up, but I don't like that I didn't get to check on Lucy before Conners sent me back here." I said.
"Why would you need to check on Lucy?" Carson asked.
"When we were tying up her team, I felt a small pain in my side, but I wasn't hit with anything, and she warned me that depending on how they react, I may get hurt. She was tying up Blake, but I guess he woke up." I said.
"Oh you guys can feel each others pain already that is going to suck with her going to war next week any injury she gets you will feel it man that will make their tour seem so much longer." Carson said.
"Yeah, I didn't even think about that." I said.
After I said that, there was a knock on our door. Carson yelled, "Who is it?"
Then I hear Lucy say, "It's me."
"Come in," I said.
As she came it and said, "Hey, I heard y'alls conversation before I came in. I am good it was just a flesh wound. Also, shhh, this isn't like a pack house. The walls aren't soundproof."
"Why aren't the walls soundproof exceptionally since your general is also an alpha?"Carson asked.
"Because if we need to be up in the middle of the night because of an emergency, we need to be able to hear everything." She replied. "Also, Max, I just wanted to let you know that we were out of there, so I am going to head to bed. Goodnight, you too." With that, she left, and I rolled over and went to sleep.

Over the six days me and Carson watched Lucy and her team train in everything from physical training to shooting, knife training, and how to disable a bomb. It was cool to watch, but Carson was getting worried when we saw Luke and Markus fall over during their physical training. When they did, Lucy checked on them and then let us know that they were fine she was just pushing them harder than needed. Me and Lucy ate dinner together every night. Yesterday Lucy and Blake went to tell his mom where they were being shipped off to, which I haven't been told yet.

Today is the day they were shipping off, and it is going to be a long 6 months before I get to see Lucy again. This morning her and Luke told me and Carson that they are shipping off to Afghanistan. Me, Carson, Bailey, and Alpha Conners were at the airport with Lucy and her team. They were about to leave us and board the plane when I pulled Lucy by the arm back to me and kissed her. As soon as my lips touched hers she kissed me back. When we pulled away, I whispered in her ear, "I just had to kiss you before you leave just in case I never see you again. But be careful and come back to me."
And she whispered back, "I'll do my best. I have to go. I love you." After that, she turned to get on the plane, and I said, "I love you too!" Then she was on the plane, and I was hoping that this isn't the last time I will be seeing her.

Then me and Carson went back into the airport, so we could catch our plane back home. When we boarded our plane, Carson turned to me and said, "This is going to be a long six months."
"Yeah, it is." I said.
"Hey, I forgot to tell you. Your mom called. She told me not to tell you and let you spend the time you could with your mate, but your dad won't be home when we get there. He went to one of the nearby packs to help after they were attacked, and he won't be back for a month." Carson told me.
"Ok, thanks for telling me." I said. And with that, I turned and stared out the window for the rest of the flight.

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