Lake Party Military Reconization Part 2

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Lucy POV:
Max ignored my question and just said, "Everyone, you know how Luke was shipped off for his first tour about 2 months ago."
"Yeah, what's that have to do with anything that weak dumbass isn't supposed to be back for another 4 months." Some guy I haven't met yet said. But as soon as he said that me and my team started growling, and Max grabbed my waist because I was going to attack.
"I wouldn't make those comments around your Luna or her boys unless you want to die, Eli." Max said.
"Hold up, your Eli." I said laughing.
"What are you laughing at?" Eli snapped.
"Oh, just how wrong you are about Luke being weak. And if you decide to still bully that kid, your ass is getting beaten." Lucy said.
"Really, I doubt the military has done that much for that boy to actually not get his ass kicked." Eli said
"Alright enough, back to what I was going to say. Because Luke has came back early, I also want to do a short little military reconization ceremony today. First off, I would want to invite Hunter and Matt from the warrior pack up here, and thank you for getting Luke and the rest of that team home." Max said. I guess he didn't include me because of the fact that he hasn't said anything to the pack yet about me being military, but if they look at some of my tattoos, they would know.
Hunter and Matt came up and said, "Max, it's no problem it's our job, and they did the most. We basically just brought them home."
"And I have also invited some of Luke's teammates here to recognize the week of torment they went through to make it home, First Luke you get up here, then Blake and Zach from bloodmoon pack and their commander my mate and your Luna Lucy Black who is from the warrior back." After max quit talking, my boys jumped on stage, giving me a big hug.
"What do you mean week of torment?" The bitch Avery said.
"He means the week of capture and torture and beating that we took before we were recused and brought back state side and honorably discharged." I said.
She look alittle scared now. Which I want to laugh at but then I heard Max say, "I also invited someone I know from a small pack near by to be honored today for his service with the army, Brody would you roll yourself up here."
As soon as me, Blake and Zach saw him we went running to him. "How are you man, haven't seen you sense you were evaced out of there." I said.
"I'm fine as a wolf who can't run can be." He said, "How are you guys?"
"As well as three people who are a week home from a week of capture of being beaten and wiped daily." Blake said.
"Sorry, y'all I heard you say honorably discharged that must suck Lucy that was your life." Brody said.
"My whole team was discharged and we all made it home at least mostly." I said.
"What do you mean mostly?" Brody asked.
"She means one of the humans on our team after getting state side had to have his arm amputated and she blames herself for it." Zach said.
"Ok that makes sense. We should probably be heading actually to the stage guys. Also I really hope Max doesn't call Miles up because I don't think he could do actually seeing all of us together." Brody said sadly as we all headed back to the stage.
"And now that you all are up here we have one more person to mention from our pack an army battle medic Miles." Max said.
As soon as Miles got close enough to the stage to actually see all of us he calapsed. I jumped from the stage immediately Blake and Zach followed and we surrounded Miles. I hear the pack gasp and the pack members around us start gossiping and trying to figure out what is going on, but I just ignore them.
I croched down infront of him and grabbed his hands and said, "Miles, you are home, you are safe, I know you saw some horrible shit then but you are home and have been back home." As soon as I said that, though, I was trying to help him, but he whispered,"Stacy has anyone seen Stacy or Dan." Stacy was his mate that he met at the beginning of the tour, and Dan was Stacy's brother they were different branches but still so close. That's when I was back there again, too. We were coming up on a house we were back up to an army team, and we have all gotten close to it, and it was nice to see Dan and his sister be able to serve together. As soon as we reached the house, Duke told most of us to wait outside. Duke is the army's bomb specialist. Something went wrong when he was trying to disarm it, and it went off. Most of the army team was in front of my team, to my left was one of mine, Dan and next to him was Stacy. Blake Zack and Brody were to my right. The rest of my team was behind us. When the bomb went off, I felt shrapnel hit my leg, a few pieces hit my arms, and had some scraps on my stomach and side. I felt the spray of blood hit everywhere, and I knew we lost a lot today. And many would be hurt. As soon as the dust settled, I wiped the blood from my eyes and looked to my leg and back towards the house, and all I saw was blood and body parts. I turned to my right Brody, the only army person I saw not in pieces was missing a leg. I thought wolf healing can work wonders, but we can't regrow limbs. Blake had a huge gash across his side and was losing a lot of blood. Zach had many shrapnel wounds, but nothing that looked major just painful. I looked behind me, and one of my guys, Donald, was missing an arm, and Tanner had a piece of shrapnel that looked really close to the coradid artery, so I yelled, "Tanner do not move!!"
Then I finally looked at my own injuries and had a large piece of shrapnel sticking out of my leg, so I ripped my backpack off and took out some of the wrap out so I could try to keep it from moving too much so it doesn't hit my femoral artery. Then slowly I went to Donald and wrapped the rest of the bandage from my bag around the stump of his arm to keep it as clean as possible and said, "Donald use your other hand and keep pressure there to stop the blood as much as possible. Then I dug in his bag for more bandages I went to Blake next since he was closest and wrapped the bandage all the way around his torso to help keep his organs inside and keep him from bleeding out I saw Zach helping out Brody and then going to Tanner to keep pressure on the wound and I grabbed my radio and radioed to camp that there was an explosion many dead and 6 survivers with major injuries that we need a recuse transport back immediately.
That's when I started to see trees again and felt arms around me, and from the spark, I knew it was Max. I looked around, and everyone that was still there was staring at us, but most of the pack had left. I am guessing Max ordered them away. I saw Sarah holding Blake, Luke had Zach, and Miley had Miles and Hunter was by Brody. Seems like we all went back there from that little statement Miles whispered. Then Max realized I was back and asked, "Are you alright?"
"As much as I can be."
"What do you mean by that?" Zoey said.
"Two 6 man teams when in only 6 of us made it out." I said tears, starting down my face. I got up and went over to where Miles and Brody were at, "Are you too ok? And yes, I know stupid question, but y'all lost more that day than I did."
"We may have lost more, but at least we weren't covered in our lost ones." Brody said with a sad laugh.
Which got the five of us sadly laughing.
"What are you guys laughing about over there?" Windy asked.
"Nothing, if we told you. You would think we were crazy but these sad, sick jokes keep us going." I said.
"Hey, if it's okay for me to ask, you said only 6 made it out, but there are 5 here, and if your team was 6, how do you only have one tattoo for that tour?" Zoey asked.
"Yeah, that's fine. Miles was part of the rescue medics that came for us, not part of the 12 that were in the blast." I answered. "But he may have been part of the rescue team he lost the most that day."
"What does she mean?" Miley said. Ace gave us a questioning look, too.
"Shit sorry Miles I didn't realize you never told anyone."
"I couldn't and still can't please don't say more. I don't need to relive it a second time today." Miles said.
"Ok, that's enough no more talking about that day." I said, "I could really use a nap."
With that, we all went back to our houses. My guys, that don't have anywhere else to go, followed us back to the aphla, beta house. We went to the kitchen got a drink of water and then Max showed my family were they could stay that's when Zoey said, "No you don't need to show Jack somewhere to stay he can come with me."
"Rose, you can come with me." Carson said.
"That's fine. I am going to bed." I said. And I headed up to our room, and Max was right behind me. As soon as I changed from the wet swimsuit into just one of his teeshirts and curled up with Max, I passed out.

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